Land Rover SAR diesel

looks great.....I thought oil coolers were standard features on all turbos. one of my buddies races turbo EVO and that turbo gets smoking hot....
they are, but most are run through the radiator... there's good and bad with that - it moderates the temps, but it also doesn't allow the oil cooler to really shine. If you have trouble keeping a car cool, an oil cooler can work wonders at reducing temps....

I've now got the intercooler mounted on the bottom... tomorrow I'll make brackets and remove the egr inlet

​and start thinking about the hardest job (for me) .... wiring
Wiring itself, schematic wise is something I do in my sleep, not any issue, MY problem is making it look 1/2 way I use corrugated wire tubing and some black tie other words, I cheat....and I sure as hell not using 50 miles of the olde tyme GM electrcians tape.....:cussing::hunter:
I should update this.... I pushed it outside. I started filling fluids and found that, for unknown reasons, the seller had split the transmission case - to drain oil? - and frankly, I've dealt with enough crap from this criminal who sold it to simply say screw it. I'll fix it, but at this point, I'm certain I'll find much more wrong with it.... next time, I'm flying to England to buy the motor, pull it myself, package and send it to myself.... screw them. While I'm there, I'll look up this bloke, maybe box him up as well and send him to Qatar with a note saying Muhammed is a fake.
back on it
I took a chance that splitting the case, while in the vehicle, wouldn't cause issues (like bearings dropping out)... nothing dropped out and it doesn't leak now

I know it doesn't look liked I did anything, but I did get a lot closer to making noise.

power steering pump is hooked up, the cooling lines are run
I have to weld in a nipple for the heating line... build brackets for the radiator and intercooler... and make the hydraulic clutch line... then do some rudamentary wiring... it doesn't have to be perfect :)
my goal is to make it run before I get the parts to start back on the land cruiser... then I can move it in an out of the shop under its own power - and if I run across someone who's sick in the head...errr... someone who enjoys wiring - making all the e-bits work will suddenly be their problem

and then there's this really evil thought in the back of my head to find a scrambler body and put it on the D2 chassis... I could piss off the purists in two worlds: the old world and new world :grin: