Lars....what's up man??

Reply I got from him today:
No, I've decided I don't need the crap and abuse from idiots. I build nice cars and engines for friends and for myself, and those who want my help can contact me. I'm always willing to assist those who want help, but I don’t' put up with BS.
Told him I hoped it wasn't from us and invited him to stop by from time to time.
That's another person.

Correct, he is, LATB is a fellow contractor, who also gets pissed off with BS, and so gets banned regularly.....LATB knows more than I do about construction and remodeling, one of the very few who do on there.....


NO, that's some dickweed realtor that lives in Florida.[/QUOTE]

as much as I hate to admit it turtle is right :footmouth: LATB is NOT Lars, although Lars was last at CF on 1/4/11
as much as I hate to admit it turtle is right

Hmmm. Hell froze over.:huh:

pretty much, it was -5* here this morning and 0* right now.

I just got my highest electric bill EVER.....40 bux over the last high....290 bux last month....10 bux/day.....

gotta lower it somehow....the old saw that heat pumps good to 40f outside is fine, but toooooo damn many daze/knights down to below 30's that global cooling....

I going to water/air for the heat sink from a well I have....

It's predicted to go to -8 here on Tuesday.

I hope my "greenie wienie" Sierra antifreeze can take it.

On topic, if history is a predictor, i expect Lars to eventually post at CF again.
Get yourself a little wood burning stove Gene. You can toss in the tree huggers if they won't let go.....

Decades ago, the ex inlaws moved from LI NY. to Oriental NC, off a creek there....he was a engineer, so spec'd his house pretty good....

chopped his own wood, kept about 3 cords to heat the joint....Vermont Castings free standing wood stove, with a blower to take heat through the house....

also had a heat pump....

and his 34' Morgan sail boat in the back yard....

this house don't lend to that because of the layout, and being ~350 miles further south....

but tell you what, neighbors here are cutting these damn dangerous OAKS and using them for firewood.....
-5* that's 20* degrees warmer than it was here.

And yes I agree Lars will post on cf again...just like turtle is posting here again.
there's something wrong Gene, my electricity bill was $78 last month and I'm only 100 miles south so the temperature was not much higher here.... for $290 a month I could heat my house to 85F all winter long :smash::smash:
there's something wrong Gene, my electricity bill was $78 last month and I'm only 100 miles south so the temperature was not much higher here.... for $290 a month I could heat my house to 85F all winter long :smash::smash:

Yeh, no shit, been running the heat pump but come to find out it's only a 10 SEER rated POS from 10 years ago, the water/air coil failed and so I went air/air and been paying for that decision ever that the unit is sick, something is very going back to water/air....geo thermal soon as possible....

but gotta consider, in winter now I have a white roof, and so beat the summer heat load, and so on the southern sky, I have trees shading the house no heat gain, white roof or not.....
these damn trees down here retain most of the leaves through winter, and don't drop till spring when new growth comes out...unlike northern trees....
the Oaks are either Pin oak or Water oak....the wood stinks and looks the same when cut, but the leaves are really small, and 50 billion of them per tree....NOT what we yankee think of for trees....

so back to the water/air....get that SEER up to 20 something....
