Lawn care ?

How are you collecting and distributing the water? A friend of mine has a "rain barrel" set up.

Pretty simple really ,downspouts lead into 2 of these 300 gal containers. In the beginning she watered her garden by gravity. Last year I found a sump pump in the shed and I dropped it down inside,it connects to the hose you see coming out the top and the pump is turned on and off with a 60 min timer.
One container collects the water from the garage and one collects the back half of the house,next year I'm going to add 1 to collect the front half of the house but I need to come up with a way to hide the tank. The tank in the pic is the main tank where all water come out of,the other tank bleeds into the main tank with a shallow 3/4 pcv pipe. Its amazing how quickly they fill when its raining. Last year both tanks were empty and we had this huge rain and in 15 min both tanks were full. :amazed:
Here's her garden.
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Water in the am not late in the day it was cause moss and mold to grow...
I never heard of that before mate, but as they say, you learn something new every day. Hehe, we certainly don't have a problem with mold where I'm living now but even at home, I'd not heard that before and I always used to water my lawn in the evenings. My place is in Queensland, sort of sub tropical place. Different climates maybe?

The timing of watering is very important. The ideal time to apply water is between midnight to 9 am. Mid-day watering results in 60 percent of the water either lost through evaporation or effectively taken up by heat-stressed turf. In your area it would be more likely 100 percent evaporation.
The worst thing i see people do to their yards is, when it's hot and dry and the grass turns dormant (Brown) is they go out there and cut it anyway,a BIG NO NO, also they scalp their yard. Guys if you are cutting dirt with the blades and kicking up dust you are mowing wayyyyy to low. In the summer heat raise the deck,i will not cut mine lower than 4",cut to low and you expose the root ball at the base of the plant and sun will kill it. Also by leaving the grass taller you provide more shade for the soil which keeps more moisture in the soil. And do not go out there and throw bags of fertilizer on the grass in hopes of bringing it back in the summer, the high nitrogen fertilizer they sell at the local lumber yards will burn your grass up. You may also have warm season and cool season grasses in your yard,the warm thrive in the heat,cool in the cooler weather,unfortunately most weeds are warm season plants,thats why they keep growing in the summer heat. If you cannot afford to irrigate,just leave the yard alone,it will be fine.
And yes,water in the evening time only,watering in the heat of the day,most of the water will evaporate before it can leech into the soil,plus you can cause a fungus to grow on the grass which will kill it.
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