Lets do a You tube thread

If you like Nature, you will love this video!!! Take the time to
watch, you won’t be sorry!!! You'll want to watch this on the largest
screen possible - Beautiful.

Richard Sidey lives in Wanaka, New Zealand and earned a Bachelor of Visual
Communication Design with Honors in Wellington. He has spent over a
decade photographing the Polar Region and various remote areas of
natural interest working on Expedition Vessels. For his project
“Speechless” he has endeavored to document scenes of outstanding natural
beauty and interest through the eyes of a film-maker. The viewer is not told
what to think and can create their own experience from this individual

Re-post due to I like it...

Gas Station Karaoke Jam Session
The Tonight Show’s Pumpcast News hit the jackpot when they recorded this Gas Station Karaoke Jam Session with a
happy and fun couple getting gas for their SUV. This guy is loving life so much he doesn’t even pause for a second to
consider why a newscaster would be speaking directly to him at the gas pump. He takes advantage of the opportunity
to perform a little Karaoke by singing “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi. Not to miss the opportunity to shine he gets his
wife out of the car to sing “Sweet Dreams” by the Eurythmics.
I just love this video and hope this couple enjoys their moment in the spotlight.

Cougar release from foot trap

Cougar release from foot trap

This Is Real Tricky If You Ask Me One Wrong Move And Its Over……

Heroic To Say The Least! Send this on to your Animal Save And Protection .

You couldn’t pay me enough to do something like this. It’s an excellent high definition video.

Game and Fish
Talk about having a tiger by the tail!

WaterCar Panther - The Most Fun Vehicle, right after a C1/C2 corvette

What Has Four Legs, Four Eyes, and Will Blow Your Mind?

watch to the end.

In honor of Armed Forces Day 2016

"Absolutely fantastic footage of some the members of what I consider to be THE GREATEST GENERATION!!! Riveting, to say the least.
To think of 600 B-29s all taking off to bomb Japan at one time is beyond my imagination.
We hear so much about the Atom Bomb raids on Japanese cities by B-29s that we forget these raids took place before that...... at least I do.
This is video from the color film archives so is of rather poor quality....especially at full screen. The narration(audio) isn't too bad.
Please notice it is the Army Air Force (corps). This is spectacular live footage of the 3,000 round trip mile air assault upon the Japanese mainland,
with 3 bomber wings and a host of P-51's. This is the real way to end a war. No matter what war footage you ever saw before, this is the real deal
and will keep your undivided attention. The P-51 & B29 footage is remarkable. The strafing runs by the P-51 pilots were incredible.
There are several break as the film canisters are changed, just wait for the count down
(View Full Screen/Sound On) B-29/P-51 Actual WWII Footage"
