Living in a sauna, heat wave #6

Hey Shipy, I've always kind of wondered about you fellows down in Oz. Isn't this your winter? What's it like having Christmas in 100*? Kind of hard to get in the spirit, eh?

Lived there for 9 years...near Adelaide SA. Adelaide's temps are pretty much like Torrance here. I'd say Adelaide had a little bit more warmth in the summers. Anyhow, weather conditions here in Torrance are that when you guys are baking in summer heat, we here are experiencing cool weather. Right now it's overcast and cool..comfortably cool, not too cold.

About Christmas and New Years. December 25 and New Year, in Australia corresponds to our late June and early July. Nice warm weather and long days can make Christmas and New Years extra delightful holidays. Coastal towns in Australia can get some ocean breezes to keep the temperatures down. I remember walking on the beach in shirtsleeves in Glenlyg (suburb of Adelaide) on New Years eve watching the fireworks. Before air conditioning, the heat would cause the interior parts of the country to pretty much shut down.
I hate cold winters, and with over 40 days with 100*+ days so far in Austin, I want to retire in a more moderate climate.

One good thing about So. Cal. is the Mediteranian climate. Pretty much what drives the high property costs.
We have had a steady, 79* summer, with a few scattered humid days.
If you can find me a similar climate, but less crowded, let me know.:D
I hate cold winters, and with over 40 days with 100*+ days so far in Austin, I want to retire in a more moderate climate.

One good thing about So. Cal. is the Mediteranian climate. Pretty much what drives the high property costs.
We have had a steady, 79* summer, with a few scattered humid days.
If you can find me a similar climate, but less crowded, let me know.:D

South France, Monaco, Spain, Algeria, maybe some west coast of Africa....

areas of Australia, for sure.....but then you have to talk funny, and get used to weird things, like Kangaroos, and odd bears....

I hate cold winters, and with over 40 days with 100*+ days so far in Austin, I want to retire in a more moderate climate.

One good thing about So. Cal. is the Mediteranian climate. Pretty much what drives the high property costs.
We have had a steady, 79* summer, with a few scattered humid days.
If you can find me a similar climate, but less crowded, let me know.:D

South France, Monaco, Spain, Algeria, maybe some west coast of Africa....

areas of Australia, for sure.....but then you have to talk funny, and get used to weird things, like Kangaroos, and odd bears....

What, no Wal Marts in Oz?
I always said I prefer the heat over the cold. Lately I just don't know. Any kind of physical effort outside of the air conditioning results in me becoming soaked in sweat to the point where it drips on anything I am working on and/or obscures my glasses to the point of making them impossible to see through. On top of that my thinking slows down and I start to get miserable from all of it. First I couldn't work on the 'Vette because it was too cold, now it's too damned hot! The weather lady says another seven days of temps. in the 90's and high humidity..... the humidity - ugh!:suicide:

Over here we have the worst summer in 10 years, almost no sun, a lot of rain and temperatures around 15°. You can work on your car of course, long as it is inside.

Even in the south of France it was raining...that would be a first in 10 years too.
HEY CLUTCHDUST a hot summer chrissy is pretty cool as long as you organise to have it at a relative or freinds place that has a swimming pool and organise to have the wife do taxi home run!! we seem to take turn about last few chrissys. I dont drink much during the year but tend to make up for it at chrissy do`s with a lot of beers:drink:but next day im saying im not doing that again:gurney: My home town is a port town of about 19,000 popultion so going to the beach is popular there(south coast,Esperance WA)just waiting for the greenies to stop it