lsx and ltx pro's and con's

The LSx all the way, I've done 2, including my 72 Olds DD.
Go over to LS1tech conversions forum. There are several V6 to 8 swap writeups. I guess you've discovered the front crossmember has to be swapped as well. And don't forget a new trans. If it's a T5 too weak, 4L60, problems with TCC solenoid.
Problem with LS1s is that they have not been made in 10 years. You might get an LS with more problems than your 3.8. An iron block 5.3 or 6.0 would be more available at a cheaper price, and lower miles.

My camaro has a 4l60e so that would be the transmission I want to stay with but a V-8 version of course.

I am aware of the front engine cradle differences and that isn't a problem since I will drop motor out bottom of car and then it can be swapped easily.

seem it is just easier to buy a wrecked donor car then buy piece by piece.