Mad over a G rated pic.

I've been watching this all day and trying to stay out of it cuz I'm just an ignorant newbie. I appreciate all the knowledge here but don't yet have much to contribute.



What's your beef, jerky!!

The man asked you nicely to change your avatar. It was even explained publicly after you kicked some dirt? So what precisely is your tantrum about?

I'll admit I've seen much worse on my favorite Triumph forum but BBShark's rationale seemed valid to me. It's his Forum and his alone. How hard is it to get along?

My gray hairs (beard only) seem to think you're being childish. Get over it and continue to contribute to this excellent forum. Or not. It's pretty simple to move on. We'd rather you didn't...

The point is my picture is not half as bad as other people on here..... I am being singled out at that is just the plain old fact of the matter.

I am not gonn say the persons name because I dont want to bring him no grief, but rules for one should be rules for all.
The point is my picture is not half as bad as other people on here..... I am being singled out at that is just the plain old fact of the matter.

I am not gonn say the persons name because I dont want to bring him no grief, but rules for one should be rules for all.

I'll grant you have a point, I've not seen rules or maybe I just didn't look. Rules should apply equally to all.

I don't know if you've been discriminated against or not, but even if so, is it really worth all the aggravation?

Tell ya what, I'll change my avatar to a Toyota Prius :eek: if that'll help. Feel better?:surrender:

OK, I'm lying! NOT a freakin' Prius!
jsssgrl1209, whatis your beef, really? You were asked to change an avatar?

Ever heard the term wise young man? Damn right you haven't, it doesn't exist. Listen to your elders, with reverance and respect, and get on with life. It just isn't worth it.

If you continue with your childish antics, you very probably will get booted again, permanantly.
I would hate to see that happen, I'm sure you have something to share with us, and something to learn from us depends wearing old farts in the swamp.

This is a great forum, if you can let that "I need attention" attitude go. I got plenty of avatar pics that are no worse than yours, but I know that some are not "appropriate" for this forum. I'm not upset, I just put another avatar, simple.

Tank :drink:
Forum shmorum

I believe that I should stand up for what I believe in!! No matter what. Consequences dont matter when you feel singled out.

I can see if it was down right wrong, or just a very offensive picture.
But as most have seen it really wasnt that big of a deal. I actually got more people bitching about the bike being a ricer than anything else!

I came to this forum not because I needed to, but because I stumbled across it by dumb chance on some websearch. I noticed a thread and figured I would help the person out with some of the things I have learned.

Most of my threads are not asking for knowledge just small chit chat opinions about stuff. How this would look, or what people have done with there cars.

As far as people saying I need attention....That is completely the contrary...... Do yourself a favor and read some of my prior posts!!! If you did a tiny bit of research before chiming in you would now that I do not seek attention, I try to help people.

They are the type of people that judge before they know someone.

I am standing up for what I think is right.

I asked BBshark to delete my profile on here, since I didnt see any links to do so for myself..... If I was looking for attention I would not have done that either.

Until my profile gets deleted I will defend this post as much as I think is needed.

Sorry for all those that have to read this BS, but I dont feel as if I am being treated fairly at all. I could easily prove my point bysingling out 1 or 2 other people but I would not do that..... This is my battle and I will go down with it. :goodnight:
Well,...I look at it this way.

I smoke and if I go to someones house and they tell me I can't smoke in the house, I don't. Their house, their rules. It's as simple as that. not really a big deal that deserves all this attention. BBSharks house, his rules! like it or not. It seams it's not really up for discusion so what's all the hoopla? Put it behind you and move on.
rules are rules, thats why we got em.You no likey, you go walkey.Your choice bud.

Im on lotsa forums, have seen a bit of stuff like this, oh and dont like people who post under another username to back up their alter ego.Not a good look im afraid.

But i do hope you just accept things and stay here.
your choice, and yours alone!

I have to choose between showing my avatar pic and this forum...I choose my 150kb file. All bbshark has to do is delete my profile like I requested and I'm gone....... Until then I feel a need to defend my point.

Its not fun when you are told you can't smoke in someones house and you neighbors are in the same house all puffing away!!!! That is the point.
What is your problem? Larry simply asked you to remove the avatar for reasons he explained above. You make a big stink out of all this.

Be happy you can choose/upload an avatar in the first place, many forums have either no avatars or a fixed selection to choose from.

You make it sound like you are singled out, so...tell me...who else has an as you call it G rated pic in his avatar?

Secondly, why do you stoop so low as to create a 2nd profile to "back you up here" On many other sites that alone would have been a reason to ban you.
Wow. Didn't expect this in my morning. Except for the fake poster jsssgrl1209 created, he (or she) seems legit. His or her posts are typically good. I just bought a jack from them and things went smoothly (I like the jack by the way, jsssgrl1209).

I can really complain about the pic much, and it does seem fine considering the language we all fucking (:D) seem to use. Plus, I'd tap that, plain and simple, which of course makes me more accepting of it, haha. However, it's not my call and I see where BBshark is coming from.

I am awfully curious of why you feel singled out. If that is true, that's not cool at all and I understand your gripe. Could you pm their username to me, just for my own curiosity? I won't publish it in any way, promise.
I have to choose between showing my avatar pic and this forum...I choose my 150kb file. All bbshark has to do is delete my profile like I requested and I'm gone....... Until then I feel a need to defend my point.

Its not fun when you are told you can't smoke in someones house and you neighbors are in the same house all puffing away!!!! That is the point.

I can see your point but the bottom line is your opinion counts for nothing in your neighbors house. Does your neighbor make the rules in your house? or do you?

His house his rules....don't like them? don't visit. Nobody said life is fair. :confused:
no dont think so

No, I won't build a bridge and get over it. This is much better. If you dont like my opinion on the subject, pfffft.Owell.

I have the right to say my mind and that is that. If you don't like it, STOP READING THE POST
A G-rated motion picture contains nothing in theme, language, nudity, sex, violence or other matters that, in the view of the Rating Board, would offend parents whose younger children view the motion picture. The G rating is not a “certificate of approval,” nor does it signify a “children’s” motion picture. Some snippets of language may go beyond polite conversation but they are common everyday expressions. No stronger words are present in G-rated motion pictures. Depictions of violence are minimal. No nudity, sex scenes or drug use are present in the motion picture.
