Marking time


Millionaire Playboy
Mar 27, 2008
In transition
I have been thinking about this for a little while now. More evidence that I simply occupy myself with worthless shit, but I digress.
Anyway, in later years how will we look back and refer to our current times? I mean it's easy to look back and say "back in the seventies, or eighties, or nineties...". But what will we call these decades between 00-09 and 10-19? The "oughts" and the "teens"? Neither of those really have a ring to them. Then again, I suppose some of us should probably be more concerned that we make it to that point.
Good question.

Will it be memories of the good old days or will it be memories of decline?

I had high hopes for Obama, now not so much. I thought my business would always stay strong, now not as much. I thought my health would always be good, now I wonder and worry....

In some ways I have it real good - a nice home, 2 classic cars, 5 dogs, a good woman to look after me, no outstanding bills.... but I can't afford to stay in business and support a broken government. Nowadays I just get by with the money, if it wasn't for the missus' income I'd be living in a trailer park.

Will these be looked upon as good times or bad? Look at the stock market - it ain't good. Look at my business - it ain't good either. Look at runaway inflation (I am CONSTANTLY in sticker shock when I buy supplies and materials). I suppose if things get worse we will think of these as the good old days. It's all a matter of perspective.
I"m let this one run on a bunch further, then post WTF I think,

and it's about the entire world....not just this country.....

Anyway, in later years how will we look back and refer to our current times? I mean it's easy to look back and say "back in the seventies, or eighties, or nineties...". But what will we call these decades between 00-09 and 10-19?

it'll be the "back in the twothousands.... and twothousandtens......... by the time we get to the twothousandtwenties I'll be too old to remember.....
I have been thinking about this for a little while now. More evidence that I simply occupy myself with worthless shit, but I digress.
Anyway, in later years how will we look back and refer to our current times? I mean it's easy to look back and say "back in the seventies, or eighties, or nineties...". But what will we call these decades between 00-09 and 10-19? The "oughts" and the "teens"? Neither of those really have a ring to them. Then again, I suppose some of us should probably be more concerned that we make it to that point.

I'd give a hundred bucks to sit down and have a conversation with you when you're in one of these reflective moods. It'd be a friggin hoot.
I've read some scientist stating that human evolution was over.
Because most evolutions came from group of people stuck in some place for a very long time, forced to adapt to the environment.
For instance Asians have slanted eyes because they all comes from a tribe trapped in northern Asia by the ice age. This tribe had to survive blinding sun reflection on snow, and this shape of eyes perform better in such situation.

Now with all the transportation means, it can't happen anymore. If the environment becomes too hash, humans just move somewhere else, "races" get mixed, cultures blend with other cultures, everything get smoothed out.

I don't have personal opinion on that, it's not right or wrong, it's just how it goes, you can't invent cars/boats/planes and expect people not to use them.

My take is there is no times anymore because of the internet.
internet is a transportation mean, in space and in time.
With the internet you can live in the time you want, access to information/media from any time of human history. You're stuck with you local media, not forced anymore to suck up what's the current culture trends are shooting at you.
For example, you can live in the US and be more in sync with Japanese culture.
On top of that everything it getting sampled, remixed (fashion, music....), once again smoothed out.

Times are collective reference, and in 10 or 20 years I'm not sure people could agree on anything about what they experienced in the '00s of the '10s.

I don't know if my gauges are accurate, but I'm reading brain overheat, time to go to bed.:goodnight:
I'd give a hundred bucks to sit down and have a conversation with you when you're in one of these reflective moods. It'd be a friggin hoot.
I am flattered. But I'd take your money too. ;) I didn't really think it was all that peculiar a topic, but this is probably just one example of why the Mrs just looks at me when I come up with shit like this.
I've read some scientist stating that human evolution was over.
Because most evolutions came from group of people stuck in some place for a very long time, forced to adapt to the environment.
For instance Asians have slanted eyes because they all comes from a tribe trapped in northern Asia by the ice age. This tribe had to survive blinding sun reflection on snow, and this shape of eyes perform better in such situation.

Now with all the transportation means, it can't happen anymore. If the environment becomes too hash, humans just move somewhere else, "races" get mixed, cultures blend with other cultures, everything get smoothed out.

I don't have personal opinion on that, it's not right or wrong, it's just how it goes, you can't invent cars/boats/planes and expect people not to use them.

My take is there is no times anymore because of the internet.
internet is a transportation mean, in space and in time.
With the internet you can live in the time you want, access to information/media from any time of human history. You're stuck with you local media, not forced anymore to suck up what's the current culture trends are shooting at you.
For example, you can live in the US and be more in sync with Japanese culture.
On top of that everything it getting sampled, remixed (fashion, music....), once again smoothed out.

Times are collective reference, and in 10 or 20 years I'm not sure people could agree on anything about what they experienced in the '00s of the '10s.

I don't know if my gauges are accurate, but I'm reading brain overheat, time to go to bed.:goodnight:

Interesting thought. Kind of reminds me of something else I was discussing with the Mrs the other day.
I have somewhat of a different take on that entirely. I've been wondering what the natural limit to human growth is. I'm talking about an average size for human beings. As we know any animal grows in accordance with environmental restraints. A couple centuries ago the average male height was around 5'8". That average is getting taller as we progress with better and more available nutrition. Currently, the male average is around 5'10 - 5'11", and it's not that uncommon anymore to see healthy males approaching or over 7'.
So I don't think we're done evolving at all. We may not see quite the variation, and in fact as suggested, more of a blending of these individual characteristics that traditionally separate the races. But I think the new evolution will be one of size. I wonder how large a human being can get and still be healthy.
I'd give a hundred bucks to sit down and have a conversation with you when you're in one of these reflective moods. It'd be a friggin hoot.
I am flattered. But I'd take your money too. ;) I didn't really think it was all that peculiar a topic, but this is probably just one example of why the Mrs just looks at me when I come up with shit like this.
I've read some scientist stating that human evolution was over.
Because most evolutions came from group of people stuck in some place for a very long time, forced to adapt to the environment.
For instance Asians have slanted eyes because they all comes from a tribe trapped in northern Asia by the ice age. This tribe had to survive blinding sun reflection on snow, and this shape of eyes perform better in such situation.

Now with all the transportation means, it can't happen anymore. If the environment becomes too hash, humans just move somewhere else, "races" get mixed, cultures blend with other cultures, everything get smoothed out.

I don't have personal opinion on that, it's not right or wrong, it's just how it goes, you can't invent cars/boats/planes and expect people not to use them.

My take is there is no times anymore because of the internet.
internet is a transportation mean, in space and in time.
With the internet you can live in the time you want, access to information/media from any time of human history. You're stuck with you local media, not forced anymore to suck up what's the current culture trends are shooting at you.
For example, you can live in the US and be more in sync with Japanese culture.
On top of that everything it getting sampled, remixed (fashion, music....), once again smoothed out.

Times are collective reference, and in 10 or 20 years I'm not sure people could agree on anything about what they experienced in the '00s of the '10s.

I don't know if my gauges are accurate, but I'm reading brain overheat, time to go to bed.:goodnight:

Interesting thought. Kind of reminds me of something else I was discussing with the Mrs the other day.
I have somewhat of a different take on that entirely. I've been wondering what the natural limit to human growth is. I'm talking about an average size for human beings. As we know any animal grows in accordance with environmental restraints. A couple centuries ago the average male height was around 5'8". That average is getting taller as we progress with better and more available nutrition. Currently, the male average is around 5'10 - 5'11", and it's not that uncommon anymore to see healthy males approaching or over 7'.
So I don't think we're done evolving at all. We may not see quite the variation, and in fact as suggested, more of a blending of these individual characteristics that traditionally separate the races. But I think the new evolution will be one of size. I wonder how large a human being can get and still be healthy.

I dunno, but Dad was 6'2" I"m 6'5" and Mom was short like 5'3" maybe....

and the facts are that we live MUCH longer than 100 years ago....hell 100 years ago I"d be dead from smelling the south end of a mule, starving for the we live 30 years longer, which is the problem with all these social welfare/security programs....the actuaries had it that we be dead by now.....instead we linger on, outta our minds in some home/institution somewhere because no one has the balls to pull plugs.....
Basically when the mind is gone, and they snooze off all day, it's time for a mickey mother lingered for ten years beyond anything reasonable....shame, but them's the facts.....when she didn't know me or my sis, I said goodby and moved south for my own damn health reasons....

Anyway, in later years how will we look back and refer to our current times? I mean it's easy to look back and say "back in the seventies, or eighties, or nineties...". But what will we call these decades between 00-09 and 10-19?

it'll be the "back in the twothousands.... and twothousandtens......... by the time we get to the twothousandtwenties I'll be too old to remember.....

In 2030 hopefully they will be referring to 2020 to 2030 years as the "Roaring Twenties"!...cause it looks like the teens may be shot.........
The world economy seems on the brink of collapse, let's wait and see what happens with Greece and the fallout from that issue.
America is in a recession, headed for a depression (IMO we are already there) but the talking heads won't admit it. They want to play politics and keep on living large at the middle class' expense.
Inflation has been outstripping income for decades - how are we supposed to keep up or get ahead?
I watch the local shipping on the Delaware river - ships go to Philadelphia low in the water and leave port riding high - obviously no goods are being shipped out. How long can our economy stay afloat with our trade balance so far out of whack?
What happens when China demands that we pay our debt?
I think we need steal all the gold on America's shores....there hasn't been a actual gold shipment in USA treasury, we repudiate the debt and declare no more debts owed, by anyone, we start new, with a 50% import duty to anything imported, parts, nails screws, whatever manufactured goods....raw materials is another thing....kill the green weenie movement, and get our OWN resources going for us.....put OUR drillers/miners/men to work....

not some sandland clowns....if gas is 4 bux/gal now, at least we supporting OUR groups not some speculator from overseas....screw that, cost of production on a bbl of oil is like 50 cents ....refining/distribution about another gas should be 2 bux/gallon the rest is an engineered rip off.....

so we take out some banks with this little scheme of what??

banking is nothing but a computer entry anyway....we name the new currency the Fuck, because we just DID....screw the banks.....

I think we need steal all the gold on America's shores....there hasn't been a actual gold shipment in USA treasury, we repudiate the debt and declare no more debts owed, by anyone, we start new, with a 50% import duty to anything imported, parts, nails screws, whatever manufactured goods....raw materials is another thing....kill the green weenie movement, and get our OWN resources going for us.....put OUR drillers/miners/men to work....

not some sandland clowns....if gas is 4 bux/gal now, at least we supporting OUR groups not some speculator from overseas....screw that, cost of production on a bbl of oil is like 50 cents ....refining/distribution about another gas should be 2 bux/gallon the rest is an engineered rip off.....

so we take out some banks with this little scheme of what??

banking is nothing but a computer entry anyway....we name the new currency the Fuck, because we just DID....screw the banks.....


autarky/heavy protectionism doesn't work, especially in the internet age. Even more when you consider most of the profit your country is doing is immaterial (consulting, software developement, patents and services in general). Take companies like google or apple, they are your nowadays champions, they bring big bucks home.
Those protective measure have been tried from the dawn of time, never worked. Less exchange -> less profit -> less wealth.

If you want to be more concrete in your action maybe go join the guys that have been protesting Wall Street for 8 or 7 days in a row.
Maybe you didn't hear of it.

And you know why they protest?

Because of that :

If you really got to fire a round of two, you'd better know where to aim :hunter:
You say protectionism don't work, what in hell you think the rest of the world does to US???

Japan?? China?? even Taiwan??



Europe is committing suicide....too much with the islam crap going to eliminate themselves in short order....

Wall street rules the world, you and I, Just look at the news channels 50% of air time complaining about the the Government and 50% about what is happening on Wall street.

Remember there are no more big industrial companies in the US or Europe so why are the big companies stocks trading so high,easy these wall street companies have a long time ago financed the production industries in countries that have little to no environmental restrictions and no Lawyers to sue everything they can see or touch.
Remember companies like Apple produce there products outside the USA but there stocks are traded on wall street.

With companies like Goldman sacks pulling the strings in Washington, no matter who is in congress or the executive branch of government, wall street keeps everyone in line. Well even the popular news outlets are traded on wall street so the news is under there control. So they hop on BS stories on who is doing what so the average Americans and Europeans don't see the real story that is being manipulated in the back rooms of these big trading company controllers.

If the average guy gets restless they organize a war to get them back on board the program.:hissyfit:
I agree with Denis & Dean on this.
And it is a corporate media blackout concerning the Wall Street protest---they'd be all over it 24/7 if it was a "Tea Party" protest over taxes & government spending instead of average citizens protesting the abuses & protection of Wall Street.

(Oh and to reply to CD's original question, yeah it will be 'oughts' and 'teens' just as we refer to the first two decades of the 20th century.)
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I stopped watching at 17s, when the bozo mentioned the Heritage Foundation
Give me some information and we'll talk, I'm done with the paid-for biased BS.
Whatever is said on this video is based of skewed datas with zero credibility.

EVEYONE needs listen to this at least ONCE....hear the man out, his stats are correct.....

Poverty in the U.S. explained...great video

NOW, just what is the problem??? really now....:surrender::bullshit:
I stopped watching at 17s, when the bozo mentioned the Heritage Foundation
Give me some information and we'll talk, I'm done with the paid-for biased BS.
Whatever is said on this video is based of skewed datas with zero credibility.

EVEYONE needs listen to this at least ONCE....hear the man out, his stats are correct.....

Poverty in the U.S. explained...great video

NOW, just what is the problem??? really now....:surrender::bullshit:

So go listen to the communist news network.....reality is not your forte'.....

not my problem.....horses and water and whatever....:crylol:
So go listen to the communist news network.....reality is not your forte'.....

not my problem.....horses and water and whatever....:crylol:

Seriously my friend, the American Heritage is a damn think tank, and team of smart jackass paid big bucks to skew data in every possible way to feed the poor want the rich and powerfull want them to think.
What's sad is that the people funding those propaganda outlets (Koch industries anyone?) don't give a damn fuck about people like you and I.
True anticonformists don't conform to such BS, they think for yourself.
It's no more truth than any of Bill Maher's rants, at least Bill is funny.