Marking time

THEN it goes right back to my former comments, screw the banks.....and the trillionaire banker families.....going back over 250 some odd years now....

ALL of them, equally....

Good God, Gene you are so fixated on the "progressives vs You" (it was "liberals" last year till the media started spouting "progressives") that you won't even allow another idea for contemplation into your head. Politics is merely a diversion placed before us to distract us from what's really happening in the world.
Try this one, OK? You got a cell phone I'm sure. Now what does this have to do with "Progressives" destroying the world? You wanna give up the convienience of your first world instant communication to blab about pointless bullshit while in a store or driving down the street? No? Well I guess to you, even though they are trying to survive in their homeland under conditions we cannot even grasp, these people would have no more rights or reason to live than "illegals" (or more correctly: not you & your prefered associates) & thus be of no importance because they ain't wite midel klas Amurikans, even though they work endless hours in surealistically bad conditions to try to earn a living and support their families. The families they love every bit as much as you do yours.

When are you going to start to get it, Gene? the "progressives vs. conservatives" line is just an implemented diversion to keep you from realizing the real issue---The mega-corporate elite of the world who are laughing at us worms & our "concerns". We who call ourselves citizens, 'people'-- but to them are no more than fodder to their profit making machines and of no use to them except as laborers & consumers who enrich them on both sides of the deal.

Direct your anger where it should go, Gene, rather than where they tell you to. And back it up with action or else STFU.
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Good God, Gene you are so fixated on the "progressives vs You" (it was "liberals" last year till the media started spouting "progressives") that you won't even allow another idea for contemplation into your head. Politics is merely a diversion placed before us to distract us from what's really happening in the world.
Try this one, OK? You got a cell phone I'm sure. Now what does this have to do with "Progressives" destroying the world? You wanna give up the convienience of your first world instant communication to blab about pointless bullshit while in a store or driving down the street? No? Well I guess to you, even though they are trying to survive in their homeland under conditions we cannot even grasp, these people would have no more rights or reason to live than "illegals" (or more correctly: not you & your prefered associates) & thus be of no importance because they ain't wite midel klas Amurikans, even though they work endless hours in surealistically bad conditions to try to earn a living and support their families. The families they love every bit as much as you do yours.

When are you going to start to get it, Gene? the "progressives vs. conservatives" line is just an implemented diversion to keep you from realizing the real issue---The mega-corporate elite of the world who are laughing at us worms & our "concerns". We who call ourselves citizens, 'people'-- but to them are no more than fodder to their profit making machines and of no use to them except as laborers & consumers who enrich them on both sides of the deal.

Direct your anger where it should go, Gene, rather than where they tell you to. And back it up with action or else STFU.

I think the country is gone too far down the hippie dippy tubes to recover now, I just feel sorry for my kids, they have NO clue as to what is coming....

and it's a product of the PROGRESSIVE/COMMUNIST/LIBERAL philosophy.....

those minds are so open all sense of self worth and value have blown to the breezes....let alone winds....

IF ANY country can not looks out for it's own traditions and plan a decent future based on some moral/political standards.....and quit making excuses as to just why some foreign drug fueled invasion is supposed to be somehow justified......much less we give a PHD on physics to some islamic dog who then plans RC airplanes to drop bombs on our national buildings???

seriously?"?? so we quit educating cave men....simple to me....

I know my kids are brainwashed like the typical college communists....not the issue, but I also know just as my grandparents did, that the coming communist revolution and islamic domination is well planned....

and the brazzilionaire banking families are behind it from word go....

it's all about power and control....simple as that, and dumb people are easier to control then the American middle their votes with welfare and freebees....enter the Do Mo Crap party here.....

IF we cut off welfare cold turkey...ALL of it....they either die or get a JOB....

but that also means kill the green weenies off, because with all that EPA bullshit lies over 50 years now means no one can open so much as a electronic assy. plant in the states now.....99% China import crap....

I could go on to totally alienate your position, but I think I knocked you out cold already....

and this is just a hip shot....

I can but only accede to your infinite and undeniable wisdom, Gene.
In my humble tribute to your teachings, I bow and offer you a Prestone Marguerita. In fact, in my bid for forgiveness before your all knowing eminance, I will make you as many Prestone Margueritas as you wish, I will keep them coming as long as it takes......Along with all the antibiotic & steroid injected beef, genetically modified corn, and pesticide laced salad that you can eat, to keep you satiated and happy. For as long as it takes.....
Because you see & know & understand so much more than I --I finally realize that colors and shades are only interferance, confusion brought on by the devil himself to detour me from the path of truth which is purely black and white. Yes/no. On /off. There is no other way.
I wish only to learn from you the simple secrets of universal peace & harmony......
Here, have a burger & drink on me. There's plenty more, help yourself. I'll be here....
Kick back, relax, it's OK. What's on TV?
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I think you guys should tell us what you really think?:phone:

DAMN straight......

he seems to forget that just 100 years ago, the typical AMERICAN died at age near 50 or so, smelling the ass end of a mule he barely commanded to plow the fields....and then had to feed it.....

but you know, the age of men that got organized, commanded FUEL to burn instead of sweating over shit, and imagined machines to do the work....

and some how the near doubling of life span is somehow evil and so the weenies think to go back to 'nature' where the bugs ate their lungs out by age 40 and they suffered with NEW/old MONIA or whatever.....

no drugs, no science, no time to pursue the support of educated enough guys to go into those fields known as 'scientific breakthroughs' because he would rather plow the field and dream of a green weenie society....

ME, I"d rather plow the fields with whatever it takes, MACHINERY, and powered by old dead dinosaurs or whatever.....

until we build NUCLEAR PLANTS enough to alleviate water surpluses and shortages via trans continental pipelines the equivalent of the interstate highway system.....

but no, they fretting about some OIL pilpline might maybe just maybe spit enough grease to kill the ENTIRE 6? state underground reservoir the 'Ogallallah' (sp?) and so kill our prime energy source....

methinks they need go hunt beefalo for a living....relearn olde tyme ways....

damn sure not flying to the moon ......

SO the denial of modern ways results in cave man existence...and we want to go back while the rest of the world envies our position and tries to steal it....


Well this thread has taken quite the turn.
Don't know how I feel about saying "back in 'ought eight'...."

This country needs go back to the early 60's before the likes of Ralph Nader started screwing it up.....when we actually built our own shit, like rockets and space, cars, buildings, OIL production/refining...had THREE aircraft companies not just one, had 3 solid car companies and only goofballs bought those silly rust buckets known as the VW beetle....

but then we really seriously blew it on the '64 election, with LBJ.....that was the beginning of the end for this nation....all that Viet Nam war crap, trying to win a land war in Asia....much less this thing we doing in trashcanistans or iwreck....

For those curious about the real American leaders, there a fairly detailed portrait of the Koch brothers industries.

Bribes and corruption happen in many countries. Many companies sidestep US laws on doing business with Iran.

The brothers made their money from creating a big business from a small company and don't want others to see what. That is thier right. BTW....they made many thousands of jobs along the way.

Many millionaires/billionaires try to influence politics......all over the world....

so what's your point?:D
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so what's your point?:D
To let people know a little better who's funding the American Heritage,Tea Party and such.
Knowledge never hurt.

Well, SHIT, look at George Soreass over there, that POS is a commie through and through, funding his crap socialist agenda on hundreds of fronts....

many of the world's wealthiest men seek total control over society, from the Red Shield house down through Rockefellers, Pews, Mellons, DuPonts, and a LONG list of others....they are known basically as the Beilderburg (sp?) group that meet once in a while to plan for mutual benefit....

they try mightely to confuse nazi with being on the right, and commie being left....and use it as a tool to undereducate the masses they want control over....keep in mind, the only difference between a nazi or a commie is who is in control.....that's IT my friend......

so how to attain/retain control over a herd of cats, like the American middle class?? keep them distracted with cheep sports comes to mind, keep them misinformed through the supposed educational system, write the textbooks to suit the presentation of history that furthers your interests.....this goes from most public elementary schools through our finest universities and colleges.....the only sector of the educational system that speaks truth is HARD SCIENCE, engineering, math, with very minor mention to econ, business, and then down the to ME is a 2 year associate best...

NOW you see why the multi billionaires can afford to be liberals....they OWN the .gov they use it for CONTROL.....make NO mistake about it.....


I know your are a socialist, and as such will get all pissed off at Glen Beck, but when he was on FOX at 5pm EST every night for a couple years, you really should learn history and influences from that man....he and his STAFF more importantly taught a good American history course.....
