Meeting in/around Daytona Florida

This country definitely need a kick start right now. The only ones coming out on top right now are the rich CEO's milking their companies. We need to kick them out and take back our money. Until then, we will all be paying for it out of our increased tax dollars.
This country definitely need a kick start right now. The only ones coming out on top right now are the rich CEO's milking their companies. We need to kick them out and take back our money. Until then, we will all be paying for it out of our increased tax dollars.

I see both sides of that, but their salaries are miniscule compared to the company they are running, but then again they are BK the damn thing into a wall.....and STILL get away???

fucking dickweeds......

Who's going to be there tomorrow ? I just emailed Glenn (Mr Blue) just in case nobody else emailed him yet... no idea if he saw this thread....

TimAT, MrVette, myself, ?, ?, ?, and The Artist formerly known as Turbo84 :smash:

who else ???
don't get me going on the greeners....I have despised everything they have done throughout for some 40 years, and NOT ONCE have they ever been proven correct on anything, not once....


Have you ever proved them wrong on anything,and i don't mean ranting and raving,pure scientific studying in a controlled environment with numbers and proof to back it up.[/QUOTE]

I"M not a scientist, but doing a google will find plenty enough to sink their boat on most all points.....or at very minimum means to do nothing in the way of their change a damn thing....

greeners are against everything.....shit, they even sueing over WIND power now....claiming bats or birds, and people running around hearing harmonics and shit......
always a long list of unproven crap about why NOT to do anything for a better life....they all need live in a CAVE.....

Who's going to be there tomorrow ? I just emailed Glenn (Mr Blue) just in case nobody else emailed him yet... no idea if he saw this thread....

TimAT, MrVette, myself, ?, ?, ?, and The Artist formerly known as Turbo84 :smash:

who else ???

HOPEFULLY Chris, 69 my way, and a couple others will be there....

I have to check in over at CF to see....


Apparently 3 others, best guess.....
Talked to MrVette a little bit ago- I'm out of Lake City around 9a, meet up with him in JAX, then we hook on south to Daytona and meet up with everyone there around noon. Looking forward to meeting everyone..
Who Else?

Who's going to be there tomorrow ? I just emailed Glenn (Mr Blue) just in case nobody else emailed him yet... no idea if he saw this thread....

TimAT, MrVette, myself, ?, ?, ?, and The Artist formerly known as Turbo84 :smash:

who else ???

I just sent you an e-mail saying it was my BD and I already had plans, but that was BEFORE I read this thread. Hell, if you guys are traveling so far just to meet at the Speedway, I sure as hell can make the effort to join you all, even if for a short period, so count me in too...THAT IS as long as mama hasn't made some 'surprise' plans I don't know about yet...and she's asleep so I can't ask her till later this morning.:crap: I'll try to be there with LOVE! Glenn "Mr. Blue"
Who's going to be there tomorrow ? I just emailed Glenn (Mr Blue) just in case nobody else emailed him yet... no idea if he saw this thread....

TimAT, MrVette, myself, ?, ?, ?, and The Artist formerly known as Turbo84 :smash:

who else ???

I just sent you an e-mail saying it was my BD and I already had plans, but that was BEFORE I read this thread. Hell, if you guys are traveling so far just to meet at the Speedway, I sure as hell can make the effort to join you all, even if for a short period, so count me in too...THAT IS as long as mama hasn't made some 'surprise' plans I don't know about yet...and she's asleep so I can't ask her till later this morning.:crap: I'll try to be there with LOVE! Glenn "Mr. Blue"

Happy B.D Glenn.
Idea !

There is a Hooter's across the street from the Daytona Speedway, so why don't we all go over and have some photos taken with 'the girls', grab a burger/wings and a cold one? Don't know what you guys have in mind once we hook up....just a thought.
I will have to break free after about an hour or so to spend the rest of the afternoon with my family for the BD thing.
I know a lot of you are already on the road and won't even get this, but had to put it out now that it's cleared with the little misses.:rose: Glenn
There is a Hooter's across the street from the Daytona Speedway, so why don't we all go over and have some photos taken with 'the girls', grab a burger/wings and a cold one? Don't know what you guys have in mind once we hook up....just a thought.
I will have to break free after about an hour or so to spend the rest of the afternoon with my family for the BD thing.
I know a lot of you are already on the road and won't even get this, but had to put it out now that it's cleared with the little misses.:rose: Glenn

HOOTERS is cleared with the little Mrs.....

talk about who wear the pair in THAT family....:crap:.....

my wife just grins when I speak of going to Hooters with the guys every once in a while....usually off a boat trip or something....right on the water....

HEY GUYS, just talked to Tim.....going to be late for us....maybe late as ONE PM before we get there, guess we will have to fish around to locate you all....

he just getting up, in Lake City...that's a hour at BEST from me here now....

and a hour to there, at BEST....

he going to call me when he gets close here....

No problem

HEY GUYS, just talked to Tim.....going to be late for us....maybe late as ONE PM before we get there, guess we will have to fish around to locate you all....

he just getting up, in Lake City...that's a hour at BEST from me here now....

and a hour to there, at BEST....

he going to call me when he gets close here....


1:00PM won't be a problem. :zzz:
Hooters is very easy to find.
The Speedway takes up everything on the south side (right side from I-95) of International Speedway Blvd for miles. (It is a BIG superspeedway track after all).
On the other side of ISB are all the shops and little malls. About mid way towards I-95 on ISB is Hooters. It's right out front and clealy signed, so you can't miss it. It's EAST from I-95 of the "Welcome to Daytona Beach" pedestrian overpass bridge and will be on your left with a turn around right around there so you can get to it.
We'll wait for you guys. Don't get a ticket or hurt getting there.:gurney:

Our cell #'s: Glenn: (386) 314-4860 Kat: (386) 235-0430
Remember, it's HARD to hear them ringing while my Vette is singing!
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HEY GUYS, just talked to Tim.....going to be late for us....maybe late as ONE PM before we get there, guess we will have to fish around to locate you all....

he just getting up, in Lake City...that's a hour at BEST from me here now....

and a hour to there, at BEST....

he going to call me when he gets close here....


1:00PM won't be a problem. :zzz:
Hooters is very easy to find.
The Speedway takes up everything on the south side (right side from I-95) of International Speedway Blvd for miles. (It is a BIG superspeedway track after all).
On the other side of ISB are all the shops and little malls. About mid way towards I-95 on ISB is Hooters. It's right out front and clealy signed, so you can't miss it. It's EAST from I-95 of the "Welcome to Daytona Beach" pedestrian overpass bridge and will be on your left with a turn around right around there so you can get to it.
We'll wait for you guys. Don't get a ticket or hurt getting there.:gurney:

Our cell #'s: Glenn: (386) 314-4860 Kat: (386) 235-0430
Remember, it's HARD to hear them ringing while my Vette is singing!

COOL....we see you all....
Hey all, glad to meet you all, Karsten, Glen, Mike and Tim.....and the 2 gals also....nice to finally put a face on the conversations....

I got some sunburn but good, top up on the way north....Tim was red as this page header also....good old Florida sun....

Tim not used to the weather, I can tell, him complaining of the hot seat....

Glen, that is one hell of a car there, great work, can't believe you did that on jackstands in your garage all by your self, phenomenal.....

Jack of all trades, and master of most....for sure....

Look forward to more get togethers....should be maybe a larger crowd next time....

It was great to meet everyone. Looking forward to the next time for sure!

And for the record- I much prefer HOT weather. I mostly work outside anyway.

Gene, I just had to hassle you about the hot seats.:hunter: