Mental Masturbators


Fast Pedalphile
Nov 3, 2008
Southern New Jersey, USA
Politicians - All of 'em, Mental Masturbators. Cuba and other countries have free social health care, why can't we? I'll tell you why. The politicians are so self interested and greedy that nothing can get done. Big corporate profits at risk? Fuck 'em. If it was a company owned by me, or you, and the government thought we were either making too much money or that we were doing something not in the best interest of our country, the government would be up our asses and putting us out of business all quick fast and in a big hurry.
No, there ain't a single good one of 'em. Look at Fumo who ripped off the State of Pa. for big bux..... he got 4 years (out of a possible 15) in a tennis farm and what, I can't remember, 2 or 4 million in restitution? Again if it was you or me we would be looking at a lifetime of pain and misery, it would be the Gulag for us. Fumo will never pay back a dime, you mark my words.
No wonder our country is so fucked up. White collar crime is rampant yet the judges are so soft on these people that there really is no deterrent. Would you gamble Billions of dollars against a few years in a federal hotel?
Polliticians - Brrrrrrrrr.
And all us little guys have to do is pay for it all, over and over again.
DV8, I spent 53 years in that town, grew to hate the joint, moved south because of arthritis, and kids old enough to hop a jet to see the old man....

I have NOTHING positive to say about them damn crooks, whole stinking bunch.....

largest single improvement we can make, is under conflice of interest laws, lawyers should be barred from holding ANY public office, even judges....

they want to be a 'occifer of the courts' fine, but to run for office, they have to resign from the bar, and can NOT EVER return to legal practice, anywhere.....

that and repeal the income tax amendment....put on a ~10% tales or VAT tax....

that way everyone pay the same rate, screw all this BS with deductions and crapola....

BANKS especially should not be allowed to have over a very small percentage of total banking valuation....say such thing as 'too big to fail'....Fuck AIG I cancelled a homeowners policy from some company with a decent sounding name, and stayed with the old company.....even at 150 bux/year higher premium....why?? found out the new company was in fact AIG under another name when I got the policy in the mail.....EFF EM FOREVER.....

what in eff is a derivative?? derived from WHAT?? what is a future?? looks like we bought too many 'futures' and they are very UNcertain at this juncture....eff them too.....:drink:

now if you REALLY want me on the soap box, I can say more, but I"m tired right now....

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:

Main Entry: klep·toc·ra·cy
Pronunciation: \klep-ˈtä-krə-sē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural klep·toc·ra·cies
Date: 1819
: government by those who seek chiefly status and personal gain at the expense of the governed ; also : a particular government of this kind
— klep·to·crat \ˈklep-tə-ˌkrat\ noun
— klep·to·crat·ic \ˌklep-tə-ˈkra-tik\ adjective


Corporatocracy or Corpocracy is a form of government where a corporation, a group of corporations, or government entities with private components, control the direction and governance of a country.
Last edited:
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:

Main Entry: klep·toc·ra·cy
Pronunciation: klep-ˈtä-krə-sē
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural klep·toc·ra·cies
Date: 1819
: government by those who seek chiefly status and personal gain at the expense of the governed ; also : a particular government of this kind
— klep·to·crat ˈklep-tə-ˌkrat noun
— klep·to·crat·ic ˌklep-tə-ˈkra-tik adjective


Corporatocracy or Corpocracy is a form of government where a corporation, a group of corporations, or government entities with private components, control the direction and governance of a country.

THE very definition of Wall st....and Cap hill.....

And all of these years they have been calling it a Democracy, mainly for our benefit I guess, to keep us stupid and complacent.:crap:

Sadly, it's all in the 'higher' edjumakashunal institutions they all share....

comes from Harvard on down the list....

I feel they need fire every damn prof out there that is not solid science/engineering oriented....

enough with basket weaving, philosophy( set around wondering if we really do exist or not----(that comment comes from my cousin).....
and that ilk.....:thumbs:
And all of these years they have been calling it a Democracy, mainly for our benefit I guess, to keep us stupid and complacent.:crap:

Sadly, it's all in the 'higher' edjumakashunal institutions they all share....

comes from Harvard on down the list....

I feel they need fire every damn prof out there that is not solid science/engineering oriented....

enough with basket weaving, philosophy( set around wondering if we really do exist or not----(that comment comes from my cousin).....
and that ilk.....:thumbs:
been saying this for years. you think that's the problem? (and you're right, by the way) then get your ass into school. i've been doing this for six years. not only am i actually working on a degree but i'm also doing battle on the true front for American political philosophy. go into one of these institutions and be prepared for war. these goddamned "professors" hate having to argue with someone who has knowledge based on life experience. they're largely non-confrontational and prefer to get young people they can intimidate and propagandize.
you may not "win" any wars, but arguing with these assholes in front of students teaches them more about analytical thinking and philisophical ideals than just about any class in any college in this country. and, incidentally, you don't even need to take a polysci class. the propagandizing is so prevalent, you're likely to run into a leftist radical in just about any class from english 101 to art appreciation.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:

Main Entry: klep·toc·ra·cy
Pronunciation: klep-ˈtä-krə-sē
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural klep·toc·ra·cies
Date: 1819
: government by those who seek chiefly status and personal gain at the expense of the governed ; also : a particular government of this kind
— klep·to·crat ˈklep-tə-ˌkrat noun
— klep·to·crat·ic ˌklep-tə-ˈkra-tik adjective


Corporatocracy or Corpocracy is a form of government where a corporation, a group of corporations, or government entities with private components, control the direction and governance of a country.
Just compare any of the history books today with the ones we had back in the 50's and 60's. It's amazing how much has either been distorted or just plain old left out because it's not PC to talk about. Coupled with the desire(s) of the gov to have everyone stand in line, ask no questions just because they were told to, and (:suspicious:) don't think for yourself, it's no wonder this country is in the shape it's in. Top that with a news media that reports what they want the way they want and it's not pretty.

Look at the last election- all that was heard was " Palin is not ready to be President". Who decided Obama was ready? At least she was running a household, and was also running a State.
Tim, Clutch, U both obviously correct....

I did argue like hell with my Comparative Economics prof in '63? or so at Univ Md....he was a communist, french, Edmund Gruchey of course he flunked me...

I could have gotten around HIM, but that finance prof...Dr. Fisher who I absolutely could not understand....mumbled all the lectures, and I sat in first row...

hell with it, more interested in electronics, anyway...:(:mad:
You all can vote for DB if you want, but problem is...until they clean out K st it won't matter (K st is the lawyer heaven/influence olde tyme location for all the crooks out of office, they use their contacts and peddle influence) until we kill off K st by eliminating does no good...

Yep, "WE" as a country put them there. After 8 years of Bush, if the POPE had been running as a Republican, he would have lost. McCain was a sacrificial lamb led to slaughter.
other countries have free social health care, why can't we?

Free....No, I will be paying for it and probably a supplement insurance plan to make up for the fact that the government plan will suck. People need to start paying for their needs before their wants. Cell phones, cable tv or corvettes, do not count as needs.
other countries have free social health care, why can't we?

Free....No, I will be paying for it and probably a supplement insurance plan to make up for the fact that the government plan will suck. People need to start paying for their needs before their wants. Cell phones, cable tv or corvettes, do not count as needs.

I agree. Tell that to the new generation growing up. If they don't have their cell phones, headphones, lap tops and the like, they just can't function. We need to re-establish core values in this country.

Have you seen what a kid does nowadays if you hand him/her a rotary style telephone? They are clueless!

We are top heavy with politicians who have little or no sense of the predicament the average citizen is in, nor do they truly care. It is all about being a self promoting money grubbing sneak than about taking care of the issues.
I agree. Tell that to the new generation growing up. If they don't have their cell phones, headphones, lap tops and the like, they just can't function. We need to re-establish core values in this country.


They can't think for themselves. They have to call their buddies and see what they think. It's a pack menatlity. Call their friends to see if they should have a cafe lata or expresso.

The ability to think logically is going away. They take a poll to see what popular opinion is. What's in style at the moment. No consideration is given to ethics or morality. They don't even know what those words mean, as they have been raised to think of nothing but how great they are.

I know is sound like a sour puss old geezer, but these kids now are nothing but morons.
I agree. Tell that to the new generation growing up. If they don't have their cell phones, headphones, lap tops and the like, they just can't function. We need to re-establish core values in this country.


They can't think for themselves. They have to call their buddies and see what they think. It's a pack menatlity. Call their friends to see if they should have a cafe lata or expresso.

The ability to think logically is going away. They take a poll to see what popular opinion is. What's in style at the moment. No consideration is given to ethics or morality. They don't even know what those words mean, as they have been raised to think of nothing but how great they are.

I know is sound like a sour puss old geezer, but these kids now are nothing but morons.

I agree. It is also a result of no child left behind and every child gets a gold star, no matter how miserably they fail. PC'ness is running us into the toilet. Have you seen some of the MORONS who are college grads? There is NO WAY that these people, who can't spell, read or write should have a college degree. The colleges are pumping them out by the thousands and they have no choice. The public schools are not doing their jobs, students graduate with minimal skills instead of being "left behind" as they should be, so the colleges, in order to make money, push these morons through the mill.
. Have you seen some of the MORONS who are college grads? There is NO WAY that these people, who can't spell, read or write should have a college degree. The colleges are pumping them out by the thousands and they have no choice. .

Well at least its a college degree. It takes 4 years to get through. The kids that i see around me dream of being landscapers. They're just too lazy to even attempt college. They want to drive around in a truck all day and wack their pud. These are middle class and upper class kids which scares the hell out of me. The boys are the worst. Notice how many women professionals we have now? The boys end up being grunts. LOSERS

20 years from now, all the doctors, lawyers, engineers and other professionals are going to be foreigners. Chinese and Indians yada yada yada.

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