Fast Pedalphile
Politicians - All of 'em, Mental Masturbators. Cuba and other countries have free social health care, why can't we? I'll tell you why. The politicians are so self interested and greedy that nothing can get done. Big corporate profits at risk? Fuck 'em. If it was a company owned by me, or you, and the government thought we were either making too much money or that we were doing something not in the best interest of our country, the government would be up our asses and putting us out of business all quick fast and in a big hurry.
No, there ain't a single good one of 'em. Look at Fumo who ripped off the State of Pa. for big bux..... he got 4 years (out of a possible 15) in a tennis farm and what, I can't remember, 2 or 4 million in restitution? Again if it was you or me we would be looking at a lifetime of pain and misery, it would be the Gulag for us. Fumo will never pay back a dime, you mark my words.
No wonder our country is so fucked up. White collar crime is rampant yet the judges are so soft on these people that there really is no deterrent. Would you gamble Billions of dollars against a few years in a federal hotel?
Polliticians - Brrrrrrrrr.
And all us little guys have to do is pay for it all, over and over again.
No, there ain't a single good one of 'em. Look at Fumo who ripped off the State of Pa. for big bux..... he got 4 years (out of a possible 15) in a tennis farm and what, I can't remember, 2 or 4 million in restitution? Again if it was you or me we would be looking at a lifetime of pain and misery, it would be the Gulag for us. Fumo will never pay back a dime, you mark my words.
No wonder our country is so fucked up. White collar crime is rampant yet the judges are so soft on these people that there really is no deterrent. Would you gamble Billions of dollars against a few years in a federal hotel?
Polliticians - Brrrrrrrrr.
And all us little guys have to do is pay for it all, over and over again.