MIdwest flooding......


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
OK guys this happens every other year or so for the longest time, allmost anywere in the nation.....so....I have a hypothetical engineering project that could forever cure the problems.....

It's called a Federal plan to build Nuclear power plants to run emergency pumps and a system of pipelines all over the nation....just like the oil/gas lines....only on the surface of the earth to save digging...maybe....

and pump and pipe the water where it's needed....

pull the plants offline to run the pumps when necessary....I figger a network of some dozen ~16' diameter pipes running into various areas...like the SW and So. Cal.....and then the SE like Atlanta drought Lake Lanier....instead of letting it all piss down stream in the Mississippi....if not eough rain, pump the great lakes over the nation....

a bit of a plan, sure, is it necessary ?? hell YES.....

where is the FED.GOV???

out to lunch....

ok engineers....why can't we do this???
And lets take a little further and change interstate to one lane and run an electric mono rail for electric cars. Then tap off to feed the towns and cities. Get rid of the overhead lines.

You have a wonderful Plan, mother nature doesn't like being screwed. they already diverted Old Miss and she showing how pissed she is. Its not good to screw with mother nature! With a derailed Congress, they would file #13 your project, ANd that would be the thanks from your Washington self serving Paper hanging son of a bitch!
The Mighty Mo did not like being told where it can flow and can't flow,so like Rich said "don't screw Mother nature you will lose. The Missouri river in Kc is about 1-2 feet from getting out of its banks,drove over it today. When the MO and the Miss back up,everything north backs up and well everybody gets wet :rain:
And lets take a little further and change interstate to one lane and run an electric mono rail for electric cars. Then tap off to feed the towns and cities. Get rid of the overhead lines.


A noble idea, but not quite feasable as presented.