Phantom of the Opera
I have infinately more respect for some high-school kid who asks questions & scrounges junkyards and cuts & welds on his car trying to make it run better :wink:, or even some east coast train driver who drives his old beater 500 miles round trip to race it & get his ass whupped every time, than I do for some wealthy egotist who can afford a bunch of cars all of which have all the most expensive parts, prettiest paint jobs, built by the best builders-- no matter how nice, how superior, they are.
I guess what's important to me is how much of one's SELF is put into the car--not how much money.
Seems whenever I go to car or bike shows, I spend as much time wandering around the parking lot looking at the oil-dripping, foo-foo can painted genuine street running vehicles as I do inside looking at the fancy-ass ones on show.
I love when the guy with the shiny parts gets his ass handed to him
I think you nailed the difference between the people who build cars and the vision is the car as oppoes to the guy who buys parts and the parts are the point.
I think of a 'vision' for any project as a well thought out plan for the future in any project....honestly, I never had that kind of foresight, on this car or any other, WIFE has the 'vision' over household projects, kitchens/baths, the like....I just have a rough idea of what to do, overall vision is something I have not had...the vette just evolved, the vision only encompassing one aspect at a time, not any far reaching plan....
like the rack project along with many others years ago....several at once, concurrently...was there a vision....HELL NO.....if one thing did not work something else was tried, that's about it....really....