MrVette where are the pics ????

This is my first attempt at body work and paint. so yes it can be done and done right and look as good as any professional job out there,and i painted mine in my garage.
...NONE of this crap showed or was felt with the primer on the car, I"M convinced the extra 'chemistry' of what was supposed to be urethane but I dunno one from another, this shit is much softer than any urethane I have done in the past, and takes a lot longer to I know there is no buffing out anything, and that don't bother me one bit, I figgered on orange peel look anyway, and know I"m doing NOTHING about it....WTF even new cars have that, so leave it....

I will open a new thread about the paint and supplier.....sux....

"Feeling" imperfections in body work is an acquired skill Gene and it's easy to think a panel is "perfect" before you shoot it only to discover it's not once the colour goes on. Did you use a guide coat when you rubbed the primer back?

Now, call me mister bluff old traditionalist but there's a noticeable difference between your orange peel Gene and that of a new car. You can't leave it like that mate, you'll have to buff it. That colour green and shiny will look good. That colour green and flat and you might come out one day and find that someone's used some white chalk and written up some algebra or calculus equations on it :shocking:

Seriously mate, you'll like it a lot more if it's shiny :thumbs:
...NONE of this crap showed or was felt with the primer on the car, I"M convinced the extra 'chemistry' of what was supposed to be urethane but I dunno one from another, this shit is much softer than any urethane I have done in the past, and takes a lot longer to I know there is no buffing out anything, and that don't bother me one bit, I figgered on orange peel look anyway, and know I"m doing NOTHING about it....WTF even new cars have that, so leave it....

I will open a new thread about the paint and supplier.....sux....

"Feeling" imperfections in body work is an acquired skill Gene and it's easy to think a panel is "perfect" before you shoot it only to discover it's not once the colour goes on. Did you use a guide coat when you rubbed the primer back?

Now, call me mister bluff old traditionalist but there's a noticeable difference between your orange peel Gene and that of a new car. You can't leave it like that mate, you'll have to buff it. That colour green and shiny will look good. That colour green and flat and you might come out one day and find that someone's used some white chalk and written up some algebra or calculus equations on it :shocking:

Seriously mate, you'll like it a lot more if it's shiny :thumbs:

Wayne, I have refinished many pieces of furniture over the decades, made two sets of kitchen cabinets, ONE from total scratch as in ply and rough cut lumber....never had any luck with car work...never, not once....

car not worth, and me not able to shell out 4+++ grand for a minimal paint job...better off at Maaco....which very well may be me next stop....

tell them to shoot and polish....maybe some local friends can help, I dunno how to sane runs outta paint....

the body work stays as is, unless someone shows me first hand how to fix it in a day or less....not happening,

besides, it's a street driven daily special 'look at me and hate me parking off in the corners taking up 2+ spaces) guaranteed to attract vandals....already had the experience, just as soon not repeat it....

NOT parking the car under lock and key either, that adds up to a not so 'perfect' paint job....meaning orange peel is acceptable, paint runs are NOT, total finish wanted is to shine but not show quality...

you could just hit it with 600 grit and spray compatible clearcoat.... it does seem like you sprayed it at too high temperature with medium/fast activator and not enough reducer or retarder to slow it down and let it "flow"
you could just hit it with 600 grit and spray compatible clearcoat.... it does seem like you sprayed it at too high temperature with medium/fast activator and not enough reducer or retarder to slow it down and let it "flow"

NOW it gets down that experience level, something I not willing to do enough work to compensate for...on the one hand, and to try improving it with clear coat when 1/2 the cars on the road suffer from TOTAL clear coat bakeout here in FLORIDA

I MAY do clear sometime in the future IF the one step 'urethane' is sun damaged....IF this is in FACT urethane, which I doubt, then it will outlast ME....Tom's problem at that point....

at any rate, I wish I went flat black in spite of Linda's opinions...

at any rate, I wish I went flat black in spite of Linda's opinions...


its not too late. buy a dozen rattle cans and go to town.

even better, get that stainless steel rattle can paint.

I'm not bustin your balls. I'm serious. Has the potential to look really cool and ......different.

shiny paint is for pussies