Shitcan the electric clothesdryer and use a clothesline in the yard!!!! (& remember, all that air the dryer is exhausting (range hood too) has to be replaced by air sucked in from outside.) Biggest drop in the electric bill you'll make short of the fridge! (well OK, the A/C I guess but I have never had that anywhere either, be it in south Texas or SoCal or here in Colorado). I have never owned a clothesdryer in my life. So what, it takes a day or two maybe to dry the clothes--"plan ahead"-- christ all you ever wear is t-shirts, shorts & flipflops anyway! (but please, if you're built like me, don't start going without t-shirts!

Doggie doors are good for passive ventilation (get it huh get it, "passive" ventilation---sometimes I just kill myself) (& sometimes others wish I would....)
Sheeit... how much would it cost to hire some cute little Vietnamese or Cambodian girls to come wave fans over you so you can shitcan the A/C too? :nuts: Oh that's probably a racist remark :footmouth: and besides they are 2nd generation by now from when I was there and won't work so cheap anymore....and then of course there's the "wife" the bill....:bump