My rods a knockin

Sorry but from what I read here and there this Dwncchs or firing order knockin rod guy is a blind and deaf DB fanatic. He made his donaation thread look like DB is the poor victim who needs donations to pay you YOUR money.

You aren't calling B2B a blind and deaf DB fanatic are you?

That's a very quick way to get on one of this website's founder's bad side!

I think he's directing the comment at this Da Winch guy ..... that guy who seems to have multiple IDs like firing order or knocking rods.

I'm not sure about his eyesight and ears but I'm not aware of a person brave enough to call the bird a DB fanatic... :bump::lol:
Sorry but from what I read here and there this Dwncchs or firing order knockin rod guy is a blind and deaf DB fanatic. He made his donaation thread look like DB is the poor victim who needs donations to pay you YOUR money.

You aren't calling B2B a blind and deaf DB fanatic are you?

That's a very quick way to get on one of this website's founder's bad side!

I think he's directing the comment at this Da Winch guy ..... that guy who seems to have multiple IDs like firing order or knocking rods.

I'm not sure about his eyesight and ears but I'm not aware of a person brave enough to call the bird a DB fanatic... :bump::lol:

Bird IS a DB fanatic.....but probably NOT the way you thinking of it.....:tomato::tomato::rofl:
Arthur, there is alot going on that you may not be aware of, get all the facts before you make any judgement.

I am stil reading and it is a lot to read to be honest. Fact is that this scumbag owes you $770, you're the victim and not DB. Funny: I joined Vettemod as a newbie with my C3 and received a very warm welcome and high quality answers to my questions. I did not expect that much drama going on. Sorry but from what I read here and there this Dwncchs or firing order knockin rod guy is a blind and deaf DB fanatic. He made his donaation thread look like DB is the poor victim who needs donations to pay you YOUR money.
If there is athread collecting donations for YOU I will gladly contribute. Sorry thi happened to you. Go after him and take legal action. Even if not successful it is a matter of principle.
Thiefs and scumbags are not what made this country great, these individuals are at the bottom of the foodchain.

You aren't calling B2B a blind and deaf DB fanatic are you?

That's a very quick way to get on one of this website's founder's bad side!

I think he is referring to DWncchs/18436572.

B2B a DB fanatic?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

B2B is a DB fanatic???? Damn, things change fast.:rolleyes: