Need 81 driver door latch


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
After 30 years as a DD, it's given up the ghost. Will pay more for a good unit. Name the price please.
After 30 years as a DD, it's given up the ghost. Will pay more for a good unit. Name the price please.
Which part Jeff, the mechanism that mounts to the door with the three large screws? If that's the part you need, I think I have a spare here somewhere. Lemme know and I'll have a look for it...
After 30 years as a DD, it's given up the ghost. Will pay more for a good unit. Name the price please.
Which part Jeff, the mechanism that mounts to the door with the three large screws? If that's the part you need, I think I have a spare here somewhere. Lemme know and I'll have a look for it...

That would be the one Wayne. Let me know, and thanks. J
I had a look in some boxes I haven't unpacked yet Jeff, but didn't find them. I have more boxes to check tomorrow. I am a hoarder freak, I know I won't have thrown them out - hehe, I felt guilty binning my ratshit distributor shaft when we moved compounds!
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Ok Jeff, I found them mate. I've got the driver's side in the electrolysis tank now taking the surface rust off it.

How bad do you need this thing mate, how long can you wait?
I tried posting this a couple days ago but my connection went all wonky on me.
I still have the doors from that '75 and most of the hardware as well. I know I have a door latch assembly, if it's the same between '75 and '81. I know it's missing a spring (you can thank Wayne for that) but otherwise appears to be in good, used shape. Hell, Jeff, I thought about giving you the entire damn doors when you were up here and if you want them you can still have them. But if you just want a door latch assembly I'll pull it out for you.
Just let me know.
Ahhh... that's right. I thought you had sent me the two spare latches I have here Gary, and that I pulled the spring off one of them. When I had a look though, both units are complete and then I remembered that I'd found my original spring in the bottom of my door when I cleaned it out, but I also remembered it being rusted through at one end so it wouldn't go back on the latch. I was very confused until I saw your post.

I guess that's what's called a "senior moment"? :confused: