New Jersey Bans Sale Of 19 Bogus Motor Oils

I don't imagine there are a lot of guys on this forum that would use these brands, but I must admit that I always figured that they would work just fine. Just couldn't bring myself to try them. I have a tough time convincing myself to use Castrol full synthetic rather than Mobil 1.
I not a believer in synthetic oils anyway, WTF they still get the same unburnt/carbons/metals crap in them to buy a decent filter I try for WIX/similar.....but FRAM is royally condemned by everyone, and I"m unsure of actual factual PROOF of that position....

being in FLORIDA, I buy 20-50 and get over it.....with a decent filter....not much on brand names....but IF I spot a WIX I buy it.....

but FRAM is royally condemned by everyone, and I"m unsure of actual factual PROOF of that position....

There is a huge study of oil filters on the web. Very well documented, with photos. Not every FRAM is junk, I use one of their good lines in my 2010 GMC. It's about the only thing I can get on and off without an act of Zod, considering where the oil filter is buried in a notch in the oil pan.
but FRAM is royally condemned by everyone, and I"m unsure of actual factual PROOF of that position....

There is a huge study of oil filters on the web. Very well documented, with photos. Not every FRAM is junk, I use one of their good lines in my 2010 GMC. It's about the only thing I can get on and off without an act of Zod, considering where the oil filter is buried in a notch in the oil pan.

Only FRAMs I know of are orange with black lettering....there are others?? do they say FRAM or what else???
Never heard of those brands but I imagine that's the crap that you get when you jump on one of those $16.99 "full service" oil changes.....
Years ago we were going across state. I bought a quart of a cheap gas station oil. My lifters started collapsing, my car could only top out at maybe 50 MPH. I had to do an oil change on the way. The valve train noise was so obvious! Yes just one quart of crap.

Years ago we were going across state. I bought a quart of a cheap gas station oil. My lifters started collapsing, my car could only top out at maybe 50 MPH. I had to do an oil change on the way. The valve train noise was so obvious! Yes just one quart of crap.


So thin you could see through it, seems strange....wonder WTF makes these oils so shitty, seems like a lot of effort for so little to gain,
maybe as well put in a quart of WD40, and we all know what THAT costs....

I have Used synthetic oil exclusively for over 30 years, i am however not a fan of extended drain intervals. i used to use only Hastings Densite filters but moving to florida i went to Wix. as of late i use the Wix Racing filter the case is much thicker , the weight difference is noticeable. with 80+ lbs oil pressure it is nice to have a canister that won't burst. don't ask why thats important to Me.:flash:
Speaking of synthetics. What's up with the oil manufactures now saying you can go 15,000 miles. What changed? That's all I use today also.

Took my 95 Cadillac Seville to a Jiffy Lube. Immediately they wanted to hit me up for a premium oil. They said my Cadillac needed a premium oil...this was in 2012. No, I refused...I just wanted their standard oil..Then they started hitting me up for a brake flush, a transmission flush...failure to do this was going to cause me catastrophic repair bills in the future..clearly they were targeting the low knowledgeable customer...........then came the crowning moment...the technician unscrewed the coolant cap and looked at the coolant...and then told me I needed a radiator flush because I had too much water in the coolant...REPEAT HE SAID I HAD TOO MUCH WATER IN THE COOLANT. I looked at him and said he was lying... There was NO WATER AT ALL IN THE COOLANT OF MY 95 was all 100% ethylene glycol...absolutely no water. Things were tense, but I did get my oil changed. My 97 DD Thunderbird and 68 Corvette all have 100% ethylene glycol water at all.