New member here

Any members who know how to go about posting pic live in Central Indiana? Or any members want to walk me thru how to post pic on this site VIA phone? If so please e-mail me at [email protected] with your number and I will call you and you can walk me thru how to post pic. Just so you know I am 65 and this old dog don't learn new tricks easy that is why I would like to talk to someone and them walk me thru it on the phone. Some of the lingo on computer things I do not understand.
New Member Intro

Hello All,

Just discovered this forum and it looks fun. Currently working on a 67 Vert restosumthing...LOL. Hope to enjoy your company here. :D

It don't look like who ever makes and sells the T shirts (NCRS) is not going to help or contact me about selling me some so I will just try to make my own I guess,