Clueless In Sandland
I tried one of those. I thought it was a little too "fuzzy" sounding. Sort of like an old Fuzz Face (the originals).
Might sound better on a bass.
Apart from a slick paint job, I finished my Fenderbird project and I'm damn happy with the way it's ended up.
It has passive pickups but it really booms and is easily louder than my Parker Fly bass with active pickups. The Black Ice gives it some nice crunch and I don't think it's OTT. I moved the jack input to the heel of the body then put a 3 position switch in the old input jack hole so now I can select front pickup, both or rear. The three control knobs are now volume, crunch and tone. It's a beast...

Sits well with some other basses :thumbs:

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