New [to me] frame


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
Western Canada
Well, I got my frame this weekend. It's a beauty. All perimeter welded and a few extra gussets and then powder coated. I'll try and post a pic later. I've already got some front suspension hangin' from it. Kinda draggin' my feet tho - I should be out there right now. I think I'd be more excited if I had an engine and my old engine was sold off. Looking for an Ls engine but it's a bit tough around here, I kinda live in the sticks.......
It would be great if I could get it all together for BBTanks Tucson/Boneyard run in Sept.
So I finally got some pics of my frame. I'm really pleased. No pitting anywhere. It's powder coated but a little scrtached up. When my friend did all the welding on the frame he got a little carried away, I'll have to remove some material - more on that later.
I included a pic at the end, I have the Vette front Brake Mono spring set up on my car. When I was finished removing it all from the old frame this one concaved spacer/washer was in the pile of parts. 11/16 hole. Does anyone know what the heck it is? It must be from the Vette Brake kit.


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Lookin' good

That washer could be a front shock mount cup although the stock ones are more rounded than what you have in the pic
i see you have the savitske adjustable arms? I have the same ones, well...I got them from back when they were still available only from pole position and they are not bolt on (cross shafts not vette bolt pattern) and yours have those nice aluminum sleeves.
Hey TT, yes I got them from Savitske's. Marcus had them drilled for Corvette. My alignment guy just grins when he see's me coming. I've got his Howe tall stud bj's as well.
Did you run into any significant issues removing the body from the frame? And was it necessary to install any stiffeners (at door jams, etc.) to prevent body flexing while the body is off the frame? I may be following your path within the next year, glad to see you're being the pioneer for others to follow.

Thanks very much,
Ahh yes, many have gone before me, I am but a lowly follower.....
After much reaserch I have decided to lift the body with the doors on for support and apparantly it is ok to leave the front bodywork bonded to the car. I will support the front as well as possible thru the procedure.