Trained radical communists? 100 years worth? Dare I ask who you mean?
The victims of the 'liberal arts' establishment in the typical colleges/universities that actually think they KNOW something and learned NOTHING in their 4 expensive years, yeh, they got a degree in basketweaving alright, but are essentially unemployable and worthless for anything except teaching basketweaving with a new twist...underwater....
I saw through all that crap back in school daze yet.....most of the profs philosophizing about how great the USSR was and how GREAT they were doing, and all that crap lies my family knew was totally they tried to indoctrinate the students of 50 years ago as to how wonderful the collective was and tried to make individualism a sin, somehow....from the englush department through anything to so with ALL the liberal arts types....philosophy, psych, history, language, sociology (the worst of the bunch) and SO all those students could not find decent work so they found the only jobs their PHD's could justify....continue the socialization of the nation.....and yes, it's a bunch of PROGRESSIVES in charge...changed their handle to Liberals, but became hated once again, so now a century later pull out the PROGRESSIVE label once more, as no one but them edits history books published today.....except you CAN still find old history books .....
:twitch::surrender: it's all about power and control, citizens living in suburbs are too difficult to control, so attack their accomplishments, how to do that? transportatioin, house prices, GAS prices, interest rates, credit, and of course more meaningless .gov bullshit regulations .....much of it fueled by lawyers who can't make a HONEST living, never did a damn thing, just doing nothing and debating over the obvious is their Forte'.....