read up on Grumpy's reply in this old thread :
I'm going to assume pumped volume is high enough, so this leaves restrictions in the circuit and these can be :
- oil filter (non bypass filter AC Delco PF2)
- oil cooler
- the 90° bends I had to use
Well the story continues. Although I saw less of a drop with the 5W30 it wouldn't go up to the bypass relief valve setting which is strange since the volume produce by the pump goes up. It either has something to do with the bypass or cavitation.
I got a pump graph from Melling and what i'm seeing on my engine irl seems to be confirmed by the graph. There is a lot of debate on what could have caused this.
The thing is that people running below 5500 will probably never see this problem.
I'm still searching for a solution. It might end up with a dry sump, although on our cars that's a lot of hassle.
That filter does have an internal bypass, not that it matters at all.
The graph is not for the anti cavitation pump from Melling.
The proper pump is a 10555C, hope you are aware of that and have it.
Really not much debate, the loss of oil pressure above 5k with sbc HV wet pumps is well documented with cavitation being the root. It's no surprise that the thinner oil helped a lot.
You seem to have eliminated the other common causes, aeration and oil supply starvation.
Lots of testing has been done Melling, Moroso and others and the pickup is the problem. In fact most of the aftermarket hipo pickups flow substantially less than the oem. Screen size, suction vortexes.
Might want to try and mod yours for less restriction.
Call this guy, he has a dual pickup hv pump that may be of interest. Might be the easiest cure. Treasure chest of info.