Wow, well this just exploded. Some good stuff here.
Yes, I am looking for opinions and different views. I did leave information out, but not to sway the vote. This is public forum, I'm not about to announce how much I make and where all my money goes and for how much. But I did try to convey that I would only go for a loan I could afford, which is about $200-250 a month. I felt this was enough info for the purposes of this thread.
I'll be honest, who would post something like this if they weren't looking for approval, HOWEVER, I knew I was among peers that also fancy their personal money pits as much as I value mine, or even higher. I knew if the idea tanked here, it wasn't a good one.
I really didn't have a reference as well with this subject. Everyone I know either isn't into cars (and ultra conservative with their money) or piss broke because they spend $20 for every $15 they make. I happen to not be either and didn't know if something like this isn't out of the ordinary.
I also never planned on this being the end all be all on the subject. More as an eye opener to different ideas and philosophies. We have all, in one way or another, have bought a vette and most of us maintain them. I knew this would be a great 'group' of people to tap on different experiences to keep these cars running. With that said, I pretty much had my mind made up before I even posted (not to do it), but it still lingered. I figured either my fears would be settled or shown to be true.
But in the long run, I'm going to avoid the loan. Currently, I'm saving independently of 'vette savings' for the wedding, but if push comes to shove, that will be the first sacrificial lamb. However, I did get the green light to search and purchase the donor engine and transmission with the money I currently have in the vette savings. I plan on keeping this swap and economical as possible (within my skill range) and document as much as I can for others to learn. Furthermore, I plan on taking my sweet time with the swap. This will be long term (~2.5 years) project that I'll work on as the money comes in.
Advantages of this approach over a loan are not many but big enough. First, if something bad happens or the wedding becomes it's own money pit, I'm not strapped or tied to the swap (because of payments). Also, there's no rush to buy an engine now, I can take my time and not feel rushed because I borrowed money. Since I'll buy materials as the money comes in, there won't be a rush from one step to the next. I can take my time and make it nice.
But as far as my opinion goes on this subject, I feel if the person can afford it, why not go for it. If I had a house, married and had the kids, why not take out a loan to do that LSx/T56 swap into a minivan :rofl:? Just as turtlevette had said, how is it different than a car payment?
But don't let any of this slow you down guys, keep the debates going. I like to see clash. Unlike most, I feel conflict breeds innovation.