Opinions on NASCAR changes?

Do you like the NASCAR change to FI?

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here is something to think about...the next time your out driving around or are in a big parking lot somewhere look to see if the Nascar stickers you see are of the same manufacturer as the vehicle they are on...chances are they are not. the car companies spend many millions on Nascar while Nascar promotes the drivers not the cars they drive...and no I didn`t watch more than the first 5 laps of the Daytona 500...boring :zzz:

Actually, that holds for just about all forms of auto racing. NASCAR fans are some of the most loyal fans to SPONSORS as any that exist. After picking Trevor Bayne to win, and seeing him win, I felt the strong urge to put a #21 decal on my Chevy truck. Of course, the wife has a 2005 Ford Explorer, so it's not completely "wrong". And I am seriously considering trading the Chevy truck in on a Ford truck. That means I would be towing the Vette with a Ford. And that is NOT unusual for drag racers. I think probably drag racing is the last bastion of manufacturer support in racing. They still stir people up with "how many want to see the Dodge win, and how many want to see the Ford win". Although, like NASCAR, many of the cars only vaguely resemble production cars. That's why I like Pro Stock over any other form of racing. At least they use REAL steel bodies.

I suppose the "race on Sunday/sell on Monday" thing has long expired. People buy what they can afford or what they like. Personally, I wouldn't buy ANY "Government Motors" cars any more. Heck, the last GM dealership closed it's doors in my town back when they were doing the cash for clunkers fiasco.
And seeing Chrysler employees sitting in their cars in the parking lot drinking and smoking pot on our bailout money doesn't encourage me to buy Mopar.
That's why I like Pro Stock over any other form of racing. At least they use REAL steel bodies.

sorry to burst your bubble but NHRA pro-stock bodies are made of carbon fiber with small computer chips molded in so the teams can`t mod the bodies...and have been for some time now. as to the "win on Sunday sell on Monday" it`s been replaced with "win on Sunday RENT on Monday"...
That's why I like Pro Stock over any other form of racing. At least they use REAL steel bodies.

sorry to burst your bubble but NHRA pro-stock bodies are made of carbon fiber with small computer chips molded in so the teams can`t mod the bodies...and have been for some time now. as to the "win on Sunday sell on Monday" it`s been replaced with "win on Sunday RENT on Monday"...

Okay...I stand corrected. But they ARE the same dimensions as the factory bodies. They aren't "stretched" like funny car bodies.
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FI doesn't really matter because as mentioned the cars all run the same spec racer rules. NASCAR has lost the plot and I don't know why a car company would sponsor any of it. The only thing that resembles a street car is the sticker on the front with the brand name so you would know what it is. The Chevy vs. Ford vs. Dodge vs. Toyota thing is a joke

After watching the pushing of two cars the only thing I could think of was the Top Gear shows when they had one car on top of the other and the driver on tp had steering and the one below had brake and throttle. Might as well have a 10 lap race. How is NASCAR helping sales?

Cheers for the young guy winning but they will be talking about it on every NASCAR show for months on end. Anything to hype the sport.

I still enjoy my F1 racing for pure technology but really want to see a return to more stock bodied cars. Yeah a flares, spoilers etc... would be fine. The Australian Supercar V8 series is a great site plus they look like real cars and have all the safety equipment underneath.
FI doesn't really matter because as mentioned the cars all run the same spec racer rules. NASCAR has lost the plot and I don't know why a car company would sponsor any of it. The only thing that resembles a street car is the sticker on the front with the brand name so you would know what it is. The Chevy vs. Ford vs. Dodge vs. Toyota thing is a joke

After watching the pushing of two cars the only thing I could think of was the Top Gear shows when they had one car on top of the other and the driver on tp had steering and the one below had brake and throttle. Might as well have a 10 lap race. How is NASCAR helping sales?

Cheers for the young guy winning but they will be talking about it on every NASCAR show for months on end. Anything to hype the sport.

I still enjoy my F1 racing for pure technology but really want to see a return to more stock bodied cars. Yeah a flares, spoilers etc... would be fine. The Australian Supercar V8 series is a great site plus they look like real cars and have all the safety equipment underneath.

I tried to like F1 and Indycars....they do nothing for me. The Australian cars don't look like anything I see on the streets in this country. That idiot plan to rebadge the Hold-On Molaro or whatever they call it into a GTO was a dismal failure. The prototype sports cars look like something from area 51, and the lower class cars are just long lines of Porsches with gigantic wings. I tried to watch the American Le Mans because of the Vettes entered. But it's a chaos race with putt-putt cars racing among rockets. Looks like they are trying to duplicate rush hour in a big city with all that slower traffic.
See, that's what I don't understand. But I guess that's, like the old saying goes, what makes the world go 'round.
I personally love the ALMS series for exactly that reason. Think of it kind of like "bracket" endurance racing. Sort of. I love watching the prototypes running with the GT cars. It's like getting three or four races for the price of one. I've even thought it would be interesting to see NASCRAP try something like that with their cup cars, Busch sereies cars and something like the ARCA cars at the same time. Might make the circlejerk more interesting.
See, that's what I don't understand. But I guess that's, like the old saying goes, what makes the world go 'round.
I personally love the ALMS series for exactly that reason. Think of it kind of like "bracket" endurance racing. Sort of. I love watching the prototypes running with the GT cars. It's like getting three or four races for the price of one. I've even thought it would be interesting to see NASCRAP try something like that with their cup cars, Busch sereies cars and something like the ARCA cars at the same time. Might make the circlejerk more interesting.

LOL...well if I had to drive a race where you got putt-putt cars racing with rockets, I dang sure want a nice big air horn installed to blast them out of the way.:D
To me, the purest form of racing is the drag race. You don't have to wait hours or even days to see who the winner is. The noise is absolutely awesome. The smell of nitro-methane is horrendous and wonderful. Huge, smokey burnouts. And you can get right down in the pits and up close and personal with the racers and mechanics. I was close enough that I was able to just reach out and shake John Force's hand and wish him good luck. In NASCAR and other racing styles, everything is kept at distance. Drag racing is "all American" because it pretty much originated here. It's street racing on a track. You can paint a number on the window of the family sedan or pickup truck with shoe polish and have at it if you so desire. Can't do that with ANY other form of racing. LOL...I wonder how many Mustang GTs were/are rented on Saturday for the sole purpose of beathing the heck out of them on Sunday at the strip? :nuts: