PCV valves instead of breathers?

I think when you weld the tube into the collector it's supposed to stick down 1/4"

Doing some searching it seems that it's worth at least 20 hp according to their claims

The instructions do show it inside the collector, but I don't think that's mandatory. Bird is right....putting it inside the collector would restrict airflow and cause turbulence. Probably taking the "tune" out of the exhaust. Seriously, I don't think it's necessary to sink it inside the header. The passing air from the exhaust will suck the vapers out of the hose quite easily.
C'mon there Dep, if you just hang a 1lb coffee can under the end of that road draft tube it won't drip in the driveway. Or just park in the grass. Do you have to make EVERYTHING so difficult??:harhar:

Hell Tim, if it was me I wouldn't give a dang if it dropped oil all over the place. I own a Harley. I'm used to it :)

Harleys leak oil??????????? Damn.:amused:

Actually, the one I have now doesn't leak. Belt drive solved that problem for the most part.

Brutal64? What's up with that??? :bonkers::D
Harleys leak oil??????????? Damn.:amused:[/QUOTE]

Actually, the one I have now doesn't leak. Belt drive solved that problem for the most part.

Brutal64? What's up with that??? :bonkers::D[/QUOTE]

I'm in hidding.:push:
I think I'm going to try and make some baffles for my valve covers too

I'm interested in hearing what grumpyvette has to say
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I think when you weld the tube into the collector it's supposed to stick down 1/4"

Doing some searching it seems that it's worth at least 20 hp according to their claims


Yeh maybe on a WIDE open exhaust like racing, but when you put pipes on it and then a muffler....you got backpressures and it don't work.....

anyone prove otherwise?? for street driving daily???

It works very well. I used it on my crossfire back then, the crossfire has a PCV hookup in the front of the manifold and it leaves an oily residue inside the manifold that I wanted to get rid of. I did the extractor setup and never ahd a problem with smoking, the oil stayed very clean also.
Grand sport PCV

I was thinking about crossing the hoses over to make it harder for oil to get out. Someone thought of it before me :smash:

Grand sport PCV

I was thinking about crossing the hoses over to make it harder for oil to get out. Someone thought of it before me :smash:


Good grief!!! Might as well have a smog pump with hoses!!! I always thought the best idea for performance was to REMOVE all that pollution crap. Just ONE PCV hose is too many for me :mad:
I don't know if it's factory GM

It may be ugly but it works, I could make it a little neater though

You better hope GM isn't a forum vendor
How much oil are you guys losing through the pcv? I have one pcv on the passengers side and a breather on the drivers side. Even after replacing VC gaskets and sealing them, the engine continues to push oil out to the tune of a pint every 100-150 miles. The oil is obvious on the plug wire rail mounted on VC screws and the back of the VC's. I considered welding a bung into my header collectors with a evac hose to both VC's. I'm not sure this is a solution because maybe it is a ring sealing problem. The engine runs very well and all plugs burn similairly. Any thoughts?
Interesting timing for this thread again--I am developing some smoke & oil consumption problems and am hoping (praying!) it's PCV related. This weekend I will replace the black rubber hose between the PCV valve & carb with a clear line so I can see how much oil it's passing. (Next weekend will probably be a leak-down test.....)
I have no baffles in my old Mickey Thompson valve covers but my breathers have copper mesh inside, would that act as a baffle as far as oil splash into the PCV valve? I have one open breather on the passenger side above #2 and the PCV on the breather on the driver side above #5.
Interesting timing for this thread again--I am developing some smoke & oil consumption problems and am hoping (praying!) it's PCV related. This weekend I will replace the black rubber hose between the PCV valve & carb with a clear line so I can see how much oil it's passing. (Next weekend will probably be a leak-down test.....)
I have no baffles in my old Mickey Thompson valve covers but my breathers have copper mesh inside, would that act as a baffle as far as oil splash into the PCV valve? I have one open breather on the passenger side above #2 and the PCV on the breather on the driver side above #5.

Yes, the metal mesh acts to capture the oil mist. I believe Noonie uses a brillo pad with good results. Remember the old oil bath air filters?
You guys and you're PCV valves :suicide: trash them along with vac advance can,make life easy on yourself.
You can just run a road draft to a catch can if you dont want to run a PCV.