Poser road race corvettes





Looking Good there, Wayne.


When do you plan to install the rear cover?
Wow!!! I didn't even notice those weren't factory covers!! Good job :thumbs:

Wayne has a pic of them when he first got them and some nice after pic's when he finished them,and do those baby's shine :amazed:

I've got a set of the of Mickey Thompson aluminum valve covers for a big block. I tried just about everything to get them to shine, but no luck. :(
Maybe that kit Mothers sells might work?
Looking Good there, Wayne.


When do you plan to install the rear cover?
Thanks John. I'll start on the interior soon then once that's done, I'll do the body mods then put it in for paint. Body mods will include the rear bumper, lower front spoiler, 72 egg crates in the fenders and a small hood scoop. Also trying to decide if a Monza style fuel cap will work with the big rear window body...

Wow!!! I didn't even notice those weren't factory covers!! Good job :thumbs:
They started out like this:

"Machined" away the fins around one of the oil filler holes:

Made up a disc, tapped the cover and bolted the disc in:

Then powder coat and a modified oil filler cap:

Well it sure fooled me. :blush: Excellent work!!!

Poser valve covers??:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You guys take all this crap too seriously.

It's the brotherhood of Vette lovin, beer drinkin, apple pie eatin dudes.

Sept 11th. NEVER FORGET.
Well it sure fooled me. :blush: Excellent work!!!

Poser valve covers??:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You guys take all this crap too seriously.

It's the brotherhood of Vette lovin, beer drinkin, apple pie eatin dudes.

Sept 11th. NEVER FORGET.

Nooooo....those aren't poser valve covers. Those are "REPLICA" valve covers!!!

I would hope the 'replica' is better metal than the OEM.....I just may pick up a set of them, but i'ts crazy shipping so I can find a way to do them here, not a issue....

from what I hear the OEM covers are sad junk, used to have a set of cast covers on this car, 4 on the flange...best I could do was paint them....

but the L98 heads are 4 on center, so I got a set of sheetmetal steel covers and had them powdercoated black crinkle....hell with it....

Be crazy to find a set to take 4 in center with that style....and room for the medallion...with the aluminum ribs....be about the only style I would switch out what I have for....and then they would need the breather baffles....

I had a set of originals on a 1971 Rally Nova. Never had a problem with them. Never leaked or corroded. And I like the cast-in drippers :thumbs: