powder coating questions


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
Yucaipa, CA.
Guys, I have never done this so any input is appreciated. I had chrome wheels on my 1997 camaro that were constantly leaking so I purchased a set of stock non-chrome wheels and think they look ugly as hell on the car.

I though about refinishing the wheels white or almost chrome ... Would I be better off letting someone else handle this job since I've never done it?
I made a bracket to do a 15x8 rally wheel in a kitchen oven. Worked fine for the silver, but when I went to clear it didn't work so well and parts yellowed on me. Basically its to small of an oven to control the heat very well and you must have very good control of the heat when using clear or it will yellow on you.

That is a very hard lesson to learn because sandblasting the paint off the wheel wasn't much fun, but to remove two coats of powdercoat is even worse.

By the way if the oven in your kitchen is the only way you have to cure powdercoat you shouldn't be messing with it anyways. Buy an oven that you will dedicate to non food use or don't mess with it.
Silver powdercoat is is very difficult to apply and set. You should have a commercial powdercoater do that.
It was Eastwood's Agent Silver and they recommend that you apply clear over that color. What didn't yellow looked really good. It was a little to bright for rally wheels and I will go with a different shade of silver next time.

Actually the silver was very easy to apply and looked great. Should of left well enough alone and not cleared it.
I'm sure each powder coat job varies with the applicator and equipment and quality paint. My differential cover was powder coated silver by a pro with all the right equipment and it looked like crap. He added clear and it really really made the silver pop. Maybe it was the color silver color he used. I had parts powder coated in chrome and they looked great without a clear coat. From now on I will always use chrome powder when looking for a silver finish.
I had an oven that nobody wanted, so I took it apart,took the top part off and was left with only the oven box.
Friend of mine is an electrician he changed the plug so I could plug it where I plug my wellder, also he installed the oven controls at the side of the oven.

So no current when not in use.

I made brackets and hooked it under the shelf so it's not in the way.

Dosnt look prety now but I still have to build a spray booth just beside it.
Then I,ll paint the whole area.

works good. I know the place is a mess...lol

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Neat set up 1Michel. That should make it a lot easier when putting parts in the oven. I have my oven by the garage doors in my basement. I don't know why, but I never thought of changing the end on the oven cord to match the welding outlet. I should go back and relick that cat because I ultimately want to pick up a 220 welder.

Here are some pics from a powder coating forum that I am a member of. Some guys on there are really super talented.

nic dark grey sparkle, airbrushed graphics, nic clear vision top coat.



