Primering the car, what to expect??


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
Dupont NASON, 421-19 medium gray urethane primer, plus a fresh can of additive...hardener/whatever....reducer, that's it....the primer was OK'd by the Dupont dealer guy, as it was a old can a buddy had in his garage....
it's been shaken up and mixed good by him....

so what to expect from using a top loader gun in my 2 car garage, with respect to painting the garage, I been told it would paint the entire garage, but that don't sound right....I thought a HVLP type gun would not waste much paint...going to cover the tool box anyway, and wear a respirator....

have to wait until this weather front goes through....less than 70% humidity is what was advised....

any ideas about how long till dry to the touch??

I going to put the car on jackstands, take off the wheels and stack them out back need tape/cover everything, I know that much....already did the window frames in flat black from a decent spray bomb...window trim is black anyway, so whatever color the car winds up being it's not outta place...

I was told that I could use ANY urethane over this Dupont product...but not by the Dupont I was told to NOT use any PPG product as it will most certainly react badly.....

the final color is not decided yet, reason is...I flat don't trust my own body work, even though others say it's fine...and so want to see the solid color primer on it, with a wet water surfact in the sunlight, before I decide to spend another 200 bux or paint....

any opinions as to what troubles I"m looking at???

Dupont NASON, 421-19 medium gray urethane primer, plus a fresh can of additive...hardener/whatever....reducer, that's it....the primer was OK'd by the Dupont dealer guy, as it was a old can a buddy had in his garage....
it's been shaken up and mixed good by him....

so what to expect from using a top loader gun in my 2 car garage, with respect to painting the garage, I been told it would paint the entire garage, but that don't sound right....I thought a HVLP type gun would not waste much paint...going to cover the tool box anyway, and wear a respirator....

have to wait until this weather front goes through....less than 70% humidity is what was advised....
any ideas about how long till dry to the touch??

I going to put the car on jackstands, take off the wheels and stack them out back need tape/cover everything, I know that much....already did the window frames in flat black from a decent spray bomb...window trim is black anyway, so whatever color the car winds up being it's not outta place...

I was told that I could use ANY urethane over this Dupont product...but not by the Dupont I was told to NOT use any PPG product as it will most certainly react badly.....

the final color is not decided yet, reason is...I flat don't trust my own body work, even though others say it's fine...and so want to see the solid color primer on it, with a wet water surfact in the sunlight, before I decide to spend another 200 bux or paint....

any opinions as to what troubles I"m looking at???


This is Florida and summer is already here. Gotta wait till next winter now. :bounce:
Dupont NASON, 421-19 medium gray urethane primer, plus a fresh can of additive...hardener/whatever....reducer, that's it....the primer was OK'd by the Dupont dealer guy, as it was a old can a buddy had in his garage....
it's been shaken up and mixed good by him....

so what to expect from using a top loader gun in my 2 car garage, with respect to painting the garage, I been told it would paint the entire garage, but that don't sound right....I thought a HVLP type gun would not waste much paint...going to cover the tool box anyway, and wear a respirator....

have to wait until this weather front goes through....less than 70% humidity is what was advised....
any ideas about how long till dry to the touch??

I going to put the car on jackstands, take off the wheels and stack them out back need tape/cover everything, I know that much....already did the window frames in flat black from a decent spray bomb...window trim is black anyway, so whatever color the car winds up being it's not outta place...

I was told that I could use ANY urethane over this Dupont product...but not by the Dupont I was told to NOT use any PPG product as it will most certainly react badly.....

the final color is not decided yet, reason is...I flat don't trust my own body work, even though others say it's fine...and so want to see the solid color primer on it, with a wet water surfact in the sunlight, before I decide to spend another 200 bux or paint....

any opinions as to what troubles I"m looking at???


This is Florida and summer is already here. Gotta wait till next winter now. :bounce:

OK, I"ll chicken out and drive it the way it is.....hate paint anyway....


A lot of people told me that primer is the one thing not to go cheap on. The primer is the key ingredient of any paint job. Good primer & cheap paint is better than cheap primer & good paint.

And yes the overspray will wind up everywhere!
I have painted/primered using both a cup gun and a top load. There is a LOT less oversrpay with the HVLP. You will still have a mess to clean up but it wont be as bad as you think. hopefully you have some airflow through the garage while you are doing this? I have painted in a 1 car garage before and used 3 cheap fans and some furnace filters to get a clean air flow and it worked really good and had alomost 0 clean up.
If you use DuPont stay with DuPont, if you use PPG stay with it. Don't paint clear coat with a Charcoal respirator. You will get sick and if you are exposed to it long enough, you could die. Use a fan to pull fumes and hope you don't explode while doing so. Other wise I think your on the right track.

If you use DuPont stay with DuPont, if you use PPG stay with it. Don't paint clear coat with a Charcoal respirator. You will get sick and if you are exposed to it long enough, you could die. Use a fan to pull fumes and hope you don't explode while doing so. Other wise I think your on the right track.


NOT using clear coat, a one step finish, be done with it....assuming no runs, no polishing either....otherwise it has to dry for about 6 months, then I will mess with it a bit.....

still dunno what color, wife did not like that copper....

If you use DuPont stay with DuPont, if you use PPG stay with it. Don't paint clear coat with a Charcoal respirator. You will get sick and if you are exposed to it long enough, you could die. Use a fan to pull fumes and hope you don't explode while doing so. Other wise I think your on the right track.


NOT using clear coat, a one step finish, be done with it....assuming no runs, no polishing either....otherwise it has to dry for about 6 months, then I will mess with it a bit.....

still dunno what color, wife did not like that copper....


You can polish it after you paint it, in fact the very next day. Just don't wax it. Get a data sheet for the paint you choose and it will have all the facts you'll need. What ever paint you choose, just make sure it don't contain isocy... in the mix because a regular filter mask won't cut it. Just thinking of a fellow corvette health that all. :beer:

Since saving mrvette's money is the object here, I will throw this out there.

Do a search for Wanda. It is an Akzo Nobel product made in South America. We are running a promo this month for one gallon of base (rts-ready to shoot i.e. already reduced), one gallon of 8100 clear, one quart of hardner, two quarts of sealer and 2 half pints of hardner for 269.95. I would love to fix you up but we don't ship so look for an Akzo jobber in your area he should be able to match this for you.
Vette, you are correct. The iso's are in the hardners.

Yes, I just read the bottle, isocynate is in the hardner...great....

need to get a bottle type a filter type...I guess it's the fumes....

I was told to get some fans working and I can blow the fumes into the workshop off the garage...and leave the garage door open a tad, with water wetting down the floor....not really a cross draft though...

wonder if I can just leave the garage open....long as the rains wash all this pollen crap outta the air, it should be ok, I would think...
Since saving mrvette's money is the object here, I will throw this out there.

Do a search for Wanda. It is an Akzo Nobel product made in South America. We are running a promo this month for one gallon of base (rts-ready to shoot i.e. already reduced), one gallon of 8100 clear, one quart of hardner, two quarts of sealer and 2 half pints of hardner for 269.95. I would love to fix you up but we don't ship so look for an Akzo jobber in your area he should be able to match this for you.

Dawg, I appreciate the tip but my vette buddy gave me a can of primer with aboutr 3 qts in it...the I bought the hardner for 35 bux yesterday morning....

so DuPont was wanting 200 for a single step urethane finish.....I feel safer with that, than messing with any clearcoats just to have them peel, fogg up, turn yellow, or plain some off in sheets....been seeing that for some 20 + years on cars that are not too old 5 years....

Since saving mrvette's money is the object here, I will throw this out there.

Do a search for Wanda. It is an Akzo Nobel product made in South America. We are running a promo this month for one gallon of base (rts-ready to shoot i.e. already reduced), one gallon of 8100 clear, one quart of hardner, two quarts of sealer and 2 half pints of hardner for 269.95. I would love to fix you up but we don't ship so look for an Akzo jobber in your area he should be able to match this for you.

Dawg, I appreciate the tip but my vette buddy gave me a can of primer with aboutr 3 qts in it...the I bought the hardner for 35 bux yesterday morning....

so DuPont was wanting 200 for a single step urethane finish.....I feel safer with that, than messing with any clearcoats just to have them peel, fogg up, turn yellow, or plain some off in sheets....been seeing that for some 20 + years on cars that are not too old 5 years....

I have painted numerous cars in my garages over the years and I will only use base clear. I have had 0 problems with clear coat and it is the best option to get a good looking paint job. As it was mentioned before the primer is the key to get the paint and clear to stick. If you use a good primer (witch you are) and use the correct paint and clear to go with that primer you will have 0 problems and the car will look like glass when you are done. The best part about a base clear system is you almost can NOT screw it up. I have had dust, bugs, runs, hose hit the car while painting over the years and with the base clear you can easily go over those areas and build up the clear and after wet sanding and buffing you can not tell there was ever a issue. With a single stage you get what you get. I have also found that if you are paining a metalic color you have a less chance of tigerstriping the car with base clear. The base is just a color and can be put on in very light coats, the base you have to try and get a heavy coat to get a slick shine without striping the car with the metalic.

What ever you decide to do, good luck and post some pics.
Being as i'ts a '72 last of the wiper door cars, and the rear grills on either side of the gask tank filler are now gone, I decided to do the same with the slotted grill between the hood and wiper door, ground it down, and putting a piece of aluminum over top of a side show now to put off more sanding, and so another delay....details....pia....
