Problem with Body Mount #4.

Thanks for the pictures MYBAD79.

By the way, my energy suspension kit came with everything including the bushings/washers etc. but no shims. Any idea that thickness of these shims so I may subsitute large washers, or cut maybe 18 gauge stainless to size?
When I did my body mounts (I bought poly) I left all the bolts loose, lifted one side at a time and shimmed it using shims from HomeDepot. I felt if all eight mounts are tight before I tightened the bolts. You can get your hand in there to feel and try to rotate the body mounts. The weight of the body - on levelled ground (in your garage) should load all eight mounts. If three on one side are tight and one mount (or cushion) can be rotated/moved it needs a shim... once the body sits levelled and all eight cushions are tight THEN tighten the bolts.
Maybe not the way they did it in the factory but after I installed my new poly mounts and levelled the body as described it signifficantly reduced squeeking noises.... must have done sumthing right.... :quote::bump:
I remember they had these washers in more than just one thickness, they're called fender washers... check Home Depot and Lowes, it was one of the two..

here you can see how well the hardware store shim fits, it's on top of the other shim:

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Do all the mounts require some sort of shiming? Reason I ask is I noticed that Corvette Central has 4 shims for $5.95. I would think 4 wouldn't be near enough, I also wonder why the energy suspension kit includes everything except the shims.

Thanks for the photo that the front passenger mount, don't know the number off hand. What had to be disconnected to gain access to that one?

PS. I noticed you hit the 4000 post mark, congrats.
They require shimming until all eight mounts are tight (car setup on levelled ground, bolts loose).... these HomeDepot shims are very inexpensive :)

4002 :)
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