Progress finally!!! And questions on garage door

Okay, this is what I had in mind. It is made to use on an outboard motor to prevent anyone from steeling it by loosening the two clamps. It slips over the clamps to prevent them from being turned. It may just work on a garage door handle too.

It would just slide over the t-handle. It just prevents someone from using a slide puller to rip out the lock cylinder.
that'd probably work, have you considered a piece of plywood on the back side of the lock as well? I'm always most concerned about the putting a hook that someone can attach their truck to.... why I don't have knobs, but I also have a stout side door.
that'd probably work, have you considered a piece of plywood on the back side of the lock as well? I'm always most concerned about the putting a hook that someone can attach their truck to.... why I don't have knobs, but I also have a stout side door.

I suspect hooking a truck to it will yank the lock off but make the door un-openable. It's an aluminum door. I mean if they want to tear the whole door down they can. But it's gonna make a lot of noise and then Mr. Remington 870 will come out of his safe place and do his thing. :)