Project "Rolling Thunder"

Frame looks really good. I knew it was clean. Looks like you guys finished up nicely on that. I see you pulled the horns. Were they hard to get correct? Was that all that was needed? Must be an older pic as I see the crossmember being mocked up in this pic.
TT - the bumper was mocked up not for the picture, but because all of the bracketry is mounted on the frame horns which had taken a hit. I didn't want to wait until the body goes back on to know that everything is back to where it should be.

Eddie - The horns were not at all difficult to straighten. Plenty of reference points cross-measuring. Pulled one side near into position with a comealong and then used a portapower from that horn to the other horn. No wrinkles and used no heat.

Most of the work right now is concentrating on getting the color on the body. Lots of minor repairs to the fiberglass along with the work to make everything straight. Looks like a few more weeks before the body will finished.
Any news for us on project Rolling Thunder? Been wondering about how you guys are making out with the vette.
Any news for us on project Rolling Thunder? Been wondering about how you guys are making out with the vette.

Hey Eddie - Work continues but progress is slow. Got side tracked for a few days with the arrival of a couple of new grand babies and then again getting a cancer diagnosis. Gonna keep pushing though to get this thing finished. The body is ready for high build primer and will get it maybe next week. My Stahl headers are at Jet-Hot getting the Extreme Sterling coating. As soon as they get back the body will get put back on the chassis for final paint.

The pics below are the day we finally drug it outside to hose it off. Gives a glimpse of what the gloss black will look like. Even water on primer was pretty impressive to me. First two pics show the repositioned headlight locations below the bumper and the modified spoiler treatment.






Looking real good Dave. Hope your health is on the road to total recovery. Can't wait till you get it done and bring it up here for one of our Shark get togethers :beer:

Thanks for the comments and good wishes. I have taken many hits healthwise over the years and it looks like I finally met one I couldn't beat. I'm ok with it, except for the effect it has on my family and close friends. As for the project, I am determined to finish it and drive it before this ride they call life comes to an end. However and whenever it happens, don't anyone think I got short changed. I've had way more than my share of fun and it ain't over yet. Best to all, I'll drop in with updates as the car goes back together.

Hey neighbor, Welcome to VetteMOD! Tours? No, but freinds and neighbors are always welcome. I'll warn you in advance though, after seeing your awesome car at the Paducah show last year, my project will not impress you. This week is consumed with doctors and family but after that anytime is fine. I keep the coffee hot and the beer cold, give me a shout when you are in the (Reidland) neighborhood. 898-4193.

Dave, I am already impressed. Having built my car myself I have a great appreciation for any ground up project such as yours. I think building the car is actually more fun than driving it.
It's been a long winter with ice storms and power outages but at least some work continues on the RT project. I seem to be losing the battle with my health but with the help of a couple of great guys (thanks Sam and David) the project keeps moving forward. Yesterday we put the body onto the new chassis. The new stance is near perfect for my taste. A little radical for most, but I like it. Enjoy!

The hood is not mounted just laying in the surround for looks.


Sidepipe covers are not mounted or complete yet... again just mocked up for looks.

The gentleman is my neighbor David... a great guy and unbelievable craftsman.


Had to slip a T-Top on there just to see the line changes.
Looking good Dave, You guys can put the project in high gear now..... no more winter weather according to my weather prediction.:skeptic: Keep up the fight dude, I want to see you "Rolling Thunder" down that street in front of your house. this summer. :1st:

Looks great Dave! Judging by the pile of brush you guys got hammered hard. Time for the hot dog and beer roast...
Thanks guys, its getting to the fun part now. Temp hit the 70's today. The body is now shimmed and bolted. Hoping paint is in the VERY near future.