Quest for unique tail lights

My custom '72 has '68 Olds rectangular tail lights in there, and so each light as two 1157 bulbs, some day when I get really bored, I just maybe play with replacing the bulbs with plug in LED's when the price gets cheap enough.....OR, get a whole ton of large diameter RED LED's and drill a plate to line up with the 'bubbles' in the lenses, and so fire off about 50kw worth of light.....:harhar::lol:

two 1156 bulbs are down lo for backup lights....

see sites below for a couple pix of car.....
In short, honestly, how many police officers know what candle power your lights must be for your tail lights? if they work, even the most persnickety of cops won't look twice at it.

Humm, I think your right, if at least the flashers, clearance lights and brakes lights work...
With my current design, taillight have 60 high power LED, 15 each.
It take only 3 of those to replace a standard household bulb, you bet I'm gonna need some dimming.
I removed a pic from westsidecruisers because it's tripping a rather annoying google malware alert
Pictures can be unreliable but I really like these light frames. Of all places a 18 wheeler catalog. I found them doing a Google search, round tail lights.



I got the drawings for these lights... seems like they are about .5" too big and the upper lip is a little short compared to my stock '69 lenses. I think Ill see if I can buy one and trim it to fit. I would really like to use these
