Really Bad Day

Bummed for you man, glad you're okay though.

I had no problem looking at the photos, but I have Evernote installed on my computer and iPad.
Can't tell by the pics, but if the doors still fit well and the ttops fit well, then the damage is fairly easy to repair. Those are the killer areas.

Frame may well still be straight. Looks like front core support etc was ripped loose and front glass went up and back with it.
You can have the frame checked (front clip off) and decide from there if the numbers work for you.
Personally, I would fix it, even if the frame needed a little tweaking.

Glad you weren't hurt.

That is what I have in mind. the insurance called yesterday morning (home phone) not my cell. So I should get a call today Lets see.

I can see a little frame damage in the front area but will need to remove the clip before I can tell how bad, and will need a person that knows what they are doing to look at it.

The only way to accurately check the frame is to put it up on a frame machine and do all the measurements. Preferably find some old timer that is used to frames and not unibody.

If you had some type of collector car insurance, you should have no problems with the figures. Regular insurance will be a problem. In any case the car isn't bad enough to toss no matter what the adjuster comes up with. Calculate total replacement cost with another comparable car and you will usually find it's better to repair assuming you can do 90% yourself.
Damn Darrow, that sucks. Glad you and your wife are ok. Guess your throttle governor was taking a nap. Mine rips me a new butt every time I let out the clutch. That is the car we were in when I was out visiting you and Bird a few years ago...right? Take the money and rebuild. I agree with the guys, it can be fixed. I've had RamJet in and out of the ditch a few times over the years.....Looking back, it only happened when my governor was not installed. :hissyfit:
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Had to remove the head light canisters just to get the hood open.
the frame looks to be a little high in the front. The driver side valve cover is planted in the fire wall.The adjuster said I had it under insured.
Had to remove the head light canisters just to get the hood open.
the frame looks to be a little high in the front. The driver side valve cover is planted in the fire wall.The adjuster said I had it under insured.

:crutches: I bet it's not fixable for the same 800 bux they wanted to fix my '60 vette..

in 1967, same deal, engine into firewall on one side....

Depends on how much money they offer.....

There are plenty options: used frame $600 (maybe), weld, reinforce and so on.... new tubular frame (really fancy) $6000 , new front end $1500 ... plus labor and paint....

The stock frames are crappy to start with, if it was me I'd get a used frame and reinforce it, epoxy it and then swap the body.... VIN/title stays with body so there's no registration BS involved.... lots of work though.... could be a great California VetteMod project
The adjuster said I had it under insured.

Yea, that's the standard responce. Let's wait and see what they offer.

Did he think it was totaled?

If so, you should be able to take the money and buy the carcus back for a few hundred dollars. Lots of parts there to sell or use on a replacment.
IF they total your car, do some research before you accept a check.
Check the web, ebay, etc. to determine a replacement cost for a simular condition and milage car in this area (in this area is important).
We had a old Cad totaled about 10 yrs ago and the insurance was going to give us a few thousand for the "old Cad". Well, it turned out that the 20 yr old Cad actually had some collector value and the going rate for a xlnt condition, 48k mi car in this area was about $5500. I contested their apprasial and provided the documentation, and they did pay me $5500.
Still pissed at the illegal alien that ran a red light and t-boned the car. Luckily, her ricer bounced off of the 2 1/2 tons of American iron and the wife wasn't seriously hurt.

cost to repair $19000

At this time the pictures have been sent to salvage buyers. after they bid on it if thay want it. I have 1st right to buy.. This is getting very instresting should know something by thursday night.
good luck....

Just a few weeks ago I saw a frame here in FL for $500 on Craigslist... that would be perfect for you... that seller was only 30 miles from here, I thought about buying it .... too bad I didn't....
Good news

Well the car is still being bid on by salvage companys. I don,t think its going to draw much insterest, I think I will be buying it back. And using the parts, I don,t want to start over on this car once is enough. I will be back on the road soon, just don,t know exactly what car or when. And just think what I can do with all the new and rebuild parts from the 74 and the parts I have in my garage. By the way so far Hargerty has been the type of company you would want it to be. Also they told me it was insured for more the I thought :D:D:D