Rear suspension mounts

odies dad

Jan 26, 2017
Are the mounts for the bat wings on a c4 mounted square or are the mounts tipped for a bit of pinion angle?
I am working on making the mounts, but I am not sure if I should weld them square with the frame or 3 degrees off to set a 3 degree pinion angle. I am fastening the front of the differential to a cross member rather than using the torque bar
This is on a hot rod rather than an actual corvette.
I guess what I need to know, is the differential set square with the mount or is it angled?

Here is what I am doing. Do I weld these in square or 3 degrees off?
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Won't the rubber bushings allow for alignment? You are using the C4 batwing, right?

Sorry, I don't have the answer. Maybe someone else will reply.

FYI, looks like lots of YouTube vids on trucks with c4 suspensions.
I probably can get some twist from the rubber bushings, but that is why I am asking. Is that OK to do or should I weld the mounts at an angle or is there some angle built into the assembly?
Yes, I am trying to use as much of the c4 parts as I can.
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I made solid bushings for my c3 and was still able to move the dif around several degrees by changing the pinion bushing height. All solid alum bushings.