Phantom of the Opera
You know the part of this whole thread that i like is," It's not my fault that the paint attacked and ruined everything"
Yea Gene,it is you're fault,you did not follow directions or listen to those that know what they are doing.
Quite making excuses and do it right,or give it up.
I hear you man, not the issue, apparently, according to some friends the amount of 'reducer' affects drying/cure times , and should NOT have lifted any body work...well, what EVER....
at any rate, I went and bought some ten bux/gallon REAL MINERAL Spirits from HD this AM....mixed it with the paint and shot that SOB, metal wiper slats first....figgering they can be totally destroyed, and it's only aluminum so strip it and go on.....well it went on like iceing on a cake....set it out in the noon sun till just now..~3 hours....that shit is ON there hard as hell, actually harder than the messed up shit from ~2 weeks I shot the hood blister spot....still blistered, but not as more to gig out and redo yet again....BFD, it also dried/cured in the FLORIDA SUN....too hot to touch actually....feel that far so on to SOME of the car, the pass rear fender up top, and the front of the pass door/fender area....
also baked in the sun but for only 2 hrs at was getting cloudy which is why I"m on the 'puter now, listening to some distant rumbles and the sky is getting dark....
SO, far as I"m concerned, PISS ON all that 'reducer' crap.....oil base paint marked enamel or urethane use Mineral Spirits....lacquer is obvious....
all that bullshit....for nothing...true the hood blister would still be there, and I still have to do the rear deck over ...but the paint sprays without killing me with the STINK, still wore a decent respirator, of course....
I full well know that 6 years from now it all flakes off in a huge pile anyway...typical PAINt.....