I relocated the hole so that there was just as much material between the hole and the end of the spring as before... measure for example 3/4" between hole and the tip of the spring then i moved it so that there was again 3/4" between the new hole and the new tip of the spring...
For now, I'd just drill a new hole in the old spring and call it good enough for now.... you can always buy a shortened fiberglass spring later. Then at least you get a good comparison between the old and new spring....
This might be more of a project than just drilling a couple of holes. The hole is 1" and the tip of spring to edge of the hole is 3/4". So the end to center of the hole is 1 1/4. If you moved this in 1 inch, you would be into the second leaf and you would have a 1" hole tangent to the old hole (so no material left to the end of the spring)