Show me where you live


That IS a rather odd occurance. I don't recall ever seeing a thread go from, "Show me where you live" to "I Try"..

Yeh, someone merged these, and somehow it got flipped over...or something...

rong way on the merge??? merged the original into my thread that I posted as an experiment.....still dunno how to get the pix into the thread all opened up to look at without clicking the link....
Yeh, someone merged these, and somehow it got flipped over...or something...

rong way on the merge??? merged the original into my thread that I posted as an experiment.....still dunno how to get the pix into the thread all opened up to look at without clicking the link....
:shocking::shocking::shocking::evil::banghead: :ghost::ghost::ghost:
Gene posted a response to "Show me where you live" in a new thread named "I try......". They were merged without merging the titles. The titles have now been merged, don't panic.

It's all Genes fault:lol:
He,He-- I didn't really care all the info was still there. But I did see it as a chance to spin Gene a bit. And THAT made it worth it..
He,He-- I didn't really care all the info was still there. But I did see it as a chance to spin Gene a bit. And THAT made it worth it..

PLease, I"m dizzy enuff, damnit.....:suicide::stirpot::stirpot::ghost::ghost:
well i live in Arlington Va which we call affectionately ground zero.....i would show you on a map but then the secret would be out and the bad guys would know where to send the nukes....i didn't worry about that at the jersey shore.....well then it was just a submarine attack like that john belsuhi movie "1948"
well i live in Arlington Va which we call affectionately ground zero.....i would show you on a map but then the secret would be out and the bad guys would know where to send the nukes....i didn't worry about that at the jersey shore.....well then it was just a submarine attack like that john belsuhi movie "1948"

I remember 'TAR balls' on the Ocean city Maryland shoreline when I was a little kid, my mom would say don't play with it, leave it was bunker oil from the sunken freighters/tankers of WW2, about maybe golf ball sized....I born in '44 so by time I was a teenager, they were gone....
no permanent damage....which is another topic....

Living there in that locality, I was used to being on ground to speak, remember the Cuban missile crisis really good too....and all that 60's crap....ground central for everything going on in the world....

parts of it I miss, most of it NOT....


STILL can't figger out how to get any pix to display directly on a thread....

just links....

This what you want? :thumbs:
