Solid steeroids??

$125 isn't bad at all. Shipping shouldn't be all that bad either. Maybe cheaper if you send all ten pairs to one address here in the US and then we'll distribute them from there. shouldn't be more than $8 to ship these within the US....

Let's see if we get 10 buyers :smash:
$125 isn't bad at all. Shipping shouldn't be all that bad either. Maybe cheaper if you send all ten pairs to one address here in the US and then we'll distribute them from there. shouldn't be more than $8 to ship these within the US....

Let's see if we get 10 buyers :smash:

Maybe a group effort. I'll PM you MYBad79. I'm interested.

Cheers - Jim
I should have Idar Andersson's drawings somewhere, if not I know Keith from CorvetteEngineering still has them.

TT did you find the drawings? I was supposed to make up my rack setup over the holidays but got so busy at work I didn't get to do anything. The drawings should help me decide how I want to do my brackets.
I should have Idar Andersson's drawings somewhere, if not I know Keith from CorvetteEngineering still has them.

TT did you find the drawings? I was supposed to make up my rack setup over the holidays but got so busy at work I didn't get to do anything. The drawings should help me decide how I want to do my brackets.
Well - I didn't get busy at work -- but plenty of things to keep me busy!
TT -- - The diagrams wolud be helpful -- or if anybody has an updated version that would be sooo Kool!

My Grand Am Rack is in shippment - should be here in a few -- and would be neat to get started. Parts are piling up -- someday a 'Vette will emerge!

Cheers - Jim
Now there is 6guys on the list for a set of alu-steering brackets!.
Anyone else??,we should have a few more on this!.Might be a good idea to send all brackets to one adress in Usa!.
Pm me if interested!!.
In my opinion only the left (driver) side of the rack and pinion should be "solid connected" to the frame.
Otherwise any torsion of the frame (very usual with C3 frames) will be applyed to the rack housing..... with high risks of binding or cracking. opinion, of course!
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Stroker has a good point. Didn't think of that because I'm not using the steeroids style brackets anyways...I'm planning on making my own version of the FlamingRiver style bracket or cradle - that is going to connect the front part of the frame and should take all the torsion/twist forces.
In my opinion only the left (driver) side of the rack and pinion should be "solid connected" to the frame.
Otherwise any torsion of the frame (very usual with C3 frames) will be applyed to the rack housing..... with high risks of binding or cracking. opinion, of course!
Thanks for your opinion!,i dont wanna break things!.
My plan was driving both sides solid on track-days,but maybe i should stick with drivers side only??.
Twin-Turbo,any thoughts!?.
In my opinion only the left (driver) side of the rack and pinion should be "solid connected" to the frame.
Otherwise any torsion of the frame (very usual with C3 frames) will be applyed to the rack housing..... with high risks of binding or cracking. opinion, of course!

GOOD thought process.....:drink::drink::clap:
Why are the clamps be fully closed or are they not tighten down in the pic?
Why are the clamps be fully closed or are they not tighten down in the pic?

I remember the firewall the GAm rack was mounted to, in the junkyard when I got it, as being pretty flat, and as such the clamps are forcing full compression against that flat surface, it's not a lot of tension on the rubber....

another point, is that most of the brackets I have seen have a lot of lateral support on the pass side, since that is a tube in a doughnut, I don't see the need for any lateral support, mine has essentially none, just the two bolts from the old support, making vertical and fore/aft centering solid for that rack end....

In my opinion only the left (driver) side of the rack and pinion should be "solid connected" to the frame.
Otherwise any torsion of the frame (very usual with C3 frames) will be applyed to the rack housing..... with high risks of binding or cracking. opinion, of course!

Good point. The rack tube is really not as structural as a end take off rack, see the big slot in the picture below. Also the steel tube on the passenger side is a hydraulic cylinder with a relitively thin wall. Distort that tube and you will have a problem. You should cushion the clamp on that side and rigid mount the driver side.

I would make this setup rigid (side to side) with a strut rod. Like a panhard bar in the rear.

That's what I did I installed a bar that connects the drivers side to the passenger side and a big standoff welded to the frame. It's nice and tight now except for the bushing slop, that's why I'm interested in the solid bushings
No, unfortunately I don't. Will take some whenever I get it back up on a lift.