The Artist formerly known as Turbo84
Got started on some of the build. Nobody (that I'm aware of) makes reducer flanges for my headers so I cut some out of quarter inch steel. (After playing around lately with some aluminum projects I'm grossed out on how much steel weighs.)

I struck out finding a muffler shop that can expand some exhaust tubing into a cone shape (from 3" to 3.5") for the reducer, so I've got to make my own reducer. As it turns out I think the pipes will package better if I make an offset reducer to drop the pipes a bit down from the floorpan. The pipes will still be a touch higher than the collector flange.

I'll make a couple tack welds to check the fit, and then make some pie shaped pieces to fill in the reducer shape.

I struck out finding a muffler shop that can expand some exhaust tubing into a cone shape (from 3" to 3.5") for the reducer, so I've got to make my own reducer. As it turns out I think the pipes will package better if I make an offset reducer to drop the pipes a bit down from the floorpan. The pipes will still be a touch higher than the collector flange.

I'll make a couple tack welds to check the fit, and then make some pie shaped pieces to fill in the reducer shape.