Strange Weather

....and the glaciers up north ARE reported to be getting thicker, recently....

No, I think it's obvious that the problem is the thickening of the glucocorticoid soup in Florida....

STILL not one ounce of proof that ANY of this is MAN MADE....not one ounce....

Gene, where you ever a spokesman for Phillip Morris?:amused:

NO, but for the truth.....

I read some percentages on the atmosphere composition....and the 'gasses' they talk about from man's activities are something like .01% of the total composition, too boot they are clear, so lets not go all majic as just how sunlight is supposed to react somehow with a clear gas.....

when I read that 90%+ of the gasses in 'air' have nothing to do with anything alive....that neither plants or animals use it for living/life....that tells me something....and it's not burned/created in power plants, and any 'emissions' amount to .01% of that from any decent sized volcano...well...

then the reports that warm SEA water is melting the glaciers from underneath, and in fact it's volcanic action, like that volcano that is going through the glacier in the Arctic ......well, folks.......


Hippy dippy whiney types, always something to fuss/worry over.....demonstrate about......spent 53 years in Wash Dc....lived through all that happy horse shit in the '60's....70's.....the more I listened to it, the further 'right' I have become.....

the truth is considerable different from what you think....

So I decide to take advantage of the good weather again today...drove like a grandma just so I could enjoy the breeze.....

Had enough of that....jumped on it....strong...sputter....shift...die while clutch depressed....let clutch out...starts again...........WTF! Couple of more hard start and same crap.

Grandma it home....thinking, wtf now...clogged filter, leaking carb....burned wire......

Get it into the garage and reach behind the seat to disconnect the battery cuttoff............................ is already disconnected.................

:gurney::rolleyes: Sometimes I can do the stupidest shit......
That's a good one. I have an ignition cutoff switch as well...felt stupid a couple of times before not flippin the switch.....

The battery disconnect is the screw knob type. So I unscrew it until just before it comes out and leave the wire "hanging" was connected just enough to keep the beast going.
OOp's i hate it when that happens :o so last summer i installed a remote control batt cut off,it has a remote on the key chain like new cars have for locks,push one button batt off,push the other batt on,and if the voltage gets to low while setting it will automatically disconnect itself :amused:
OOp's i hate it when that happens :o so last summer i installed a remote control batt cut off,it has a remote on the key chain like new cars have for locks,push one button batt off,push the other batt on,and if the voltage gets to low while setting it will automatically disconnect itself :amused:

That's a nice system!

I'm afraid I was premature in my thinking it was the battery disconnect. The car will run with the switch disconnected. Tightened it back up and went for another ride. It cuts out at high RPM when I depress the clutch.

Almost like the rev limiter is kicking in....:cussing:
I am going to have to do some investigating into my tune also,my car is running like crap after it's long winter nap :banghead: I am going to start with some new plugs i might of fouled them, but that will not fix the hesitation in 4th gear when you roll into the throttle :banghead: and it was running so good when i put it away.
Those long winter naps seem to kill a good tune...maybe a little condensation in the gas?

I pulled the rev limiter wire....that's not the problem. But I think I have it narrowed down to the secondaries. On a WOT shift from first to second, it didn't stall, but the secondaries did not open at all.....that's what I get for fuggin with it.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday were great... upper 70's each day... (a week ago it snowed 6"!)

Did some cruizin' with the T-Tops off this weekend! Won't be long now.....:yahoo:
Thursday, Friday & Saturday were great... upper 70's each day... (a week ago it snowed 6"!)

Did some cruizin' with the T-Tops off this weekend! Won't be long now.....:yahoo:

The season is getting close,when is the first show or cruise around here any way :oh:

Hey Bill,which t-top did you break???? driver side or passenger,i need a new driver side :cry:

The season is getting close,when is the first show or cruise around here any way :oh:

Hey Bill,which t-top did you break???? driver side or passenger,i need a new driver side :cry:

The first "Official" cruzin weekend will be the First Saturday in April. Don't know where yet though! I'll keep you posted.

the t-top that I broke was the DRIVER! Sorry... I was lookin' for a quick sale!!!:bounce::bounce::bounce:

The season is getting close,when is the first show or cruise around here any way :oh:

Hey Bill,which t-top did you break???? driver side or passenger,i need a new driver side :cry:

The first "Official" cruzin weekend will be the First Saturday in April. Don't know where yet though! I'll keep you posted.

the t-top that I broke was the DRIVER! Sorry... I was lookin' for a quick sale!!!:bounce::bounce::bounce:

Well Damm,mine is not shattered beyond use,but while lifting it off for some reason it cracked :cry: i don't know why,temp changes,already had a chip or crack,it is only 3" long,but i am sure it will crack more. This sucks even more as these are the original glass tops :flash:

The season is getting close,when is the first show or cruise around here any way :oh:

Hey Bill,which t-top did you break???? driver side or passenger,i need a new driver side :cry:

The first "Official" cruzin weekend will be the First Saturday in April. Don't know where yet though! I'll keep you posted.

the t-top that I broke was the DRIVER! Sorry... I was lookin' for a quick sale!!!:bounce::bounce::bounce:

Well Damm,mine is not shattered beyond use,but while lifting it off for some reason it cracked :cry: i don't know why,temp changes,already had a chip or crack,it is only 3" long,but i am sure it will crack more. This sucks even more as these are the original glass tops :flash:
Thanks Bird,i might just be able to get a replacement LOF top after all :yahoo:
Then i think i will buy one of those rain coats and store my t-tops away :goodnight:
speaking of global warming it is near 100* here these days...................................OH sorry forgot it is March in Thailand...............never mind..........:hunter:
Thanks Bird,i might just be able to get a replacement LOF top after all :yahoo:
Then i think i will buy one of those rain coats and store my t-tops away :goodnight:

I bought my new t-tops from Corvette South. Good price and they fit very well. I bought the set of two, so I'd have a spare, just incase of another "glass-flyin'-emergency"! :rolleyes:
Thanks Bird,i might just be able to get a replacement LOF top after all :yahoo:
Then i think i will buy one of those rain coats and store my t-tops away :goodnight:

I bought my new t-tops from Corvette South. Good price and they fit very well. I bought the set of two, so I'd have a spare, just incase of another "glass-flyin'-emergency"! :rolleyes:

So you have a spare? hmmmmmmm, and when is the first cruise :goodevil: