Switching to PCV valve?

Here is a cure to the PCV. Front left on the motor connected to the valve cover by that big black hose.
Is that a additionnal vacuum pump?
I see you have it on one side, what's on the other?
So you only need one (assuming both cover can equalize pressure)?
Yup, I'm that newbie :blush:

PS: I love you spark wire loom, I thought nothing would work with this type of cover.
PS(2): very nice/neat engine setup.

As TT said that is a vacuum pump and a regulator valve onthe other valve cover, it is set not to pull over 10in hg.
You only need 1 pump.
Wire looms are from billet specialist.
Thank you. It is pretty clean under the hood.put that motor in last summer.
I got my pump from GZ motor sports. Came with everything needed for installation, including
Brackets.cost was around $1, 000.00