Sorry guys, this is going to be long.....
sherrif deputies aren't real cops. In general, the less they do, the better off the public is.
I beg to differ sir.
As a retired Sheriff's Deputy in what was at the time the 5th largest unincorporated law enforcement agency in the country, I take exception to your comment
I'm not sure where you're from, and I realize that in many of the Northern states, the Sheriff is a bailiff, jailer and "maybe" has a patrol division.
That's why in the academy, we were taught to shout "POLICE" instead of "SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT" when effecting a raid or other such event.
So the Northerners (and foreigners) wouldn't get confused:harhar:
The Sheriff, in the Southern States, is
THE CHIEF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER within thier respective counties, and has the responsibility of criminal, and traffic enforcment, as well as the service of warrants, enforceable civil process (evictions, levy's, etal), and is still vested with security of the courthouses and courtroom, and control and supervision of the county correctional facility.
I've worked in patrol, special operations, special investigations, Street Crimes, and a variety of other assignments to include training (weapons, tactical driving, police motorcycle operation, etc.), and can assure you, I've placed more than one ass behind bars for a significant part of thier future
And if you still aren't convinced that Sheriff's Deputies are "real cops", let me introduce to a few of my friends

They might be able to change your soon as you make bail
Sorry for the rant, but I've busted my ass for 30 years as a LEO, and don't take kindly to that sort of comment.
As to Mr. that case, you're 100% correct.
Although they're now armed (IIRC), his actual title is "Crime Scene Technician" or some crap like that, and he is assigned to the "forensics unit" of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office.
He takes photos, dusts for prints, and gathers "forensic" evidence at the scene of a crime.
Other than that, he has little if anything to do with "real" police work or solving a fecking crime!
It seems that Pewter is a control freak and on a power trip.
I think Pewter gives cops a bad name.
I've known Mr. Briggs for many years. I knew him "pre-mod" at Brand X.
He was actually a pretty decent little dude:rofl:
We would hang out at CF functions.
I've been to his home when he was married to his "other" wife (nice lady BTW), and gone shooting with him on a few occasions.
He's even asked me to assist him with a new weapon he'd purchased.
Post Mod status, he became a prick!
As some of you know, I moderate another Corvette related forum (a Florida forum) as "Shadow."
When I saw where he was headed with his posts on Brand X, I spoke with him personally, as both a friend and as moderator to moderator.
He thinks our style of "moderation" is useless, because we're not out to see how many people we can ban in a month!
As you do here, we'd much rather have fun and not be so fecking anal about little piddly "violations."
Then again, when you've spent most of your adult life writing tickets and putting arses in jail, banning somebody just doesn't have that much "oommpf", if you know what I mean?
I've tried several times to get him to back off a bit and relax.
Instead, I got the F**k you treatment and "if they (members) don't like it and want to leave, well don't let the door hit them in the ass!"
He just got worse and worse over time.
He became a member of our Florida forum, and started causing trouble there.
He logged on with multiple screen names, started using an anonymous server (I forget what they're called) and creating dissent, etc.,
all the things that would get you and I banned at Brand X!
I did my research, and was able to put the pieces together and show that this was happening on duty.
As well, we could at least imply, that some of this was coming from a Sheriff's Office computer, so I contacte the MIS division (computer geeks) at the PCSO, in an effort to stop the crap.
They wanted me to file an Internal Affairs complaint against him, but I refused.
I didn't want his fecking head, I just wanted the BS to stop!
Instead, I found out who his major was, and contacted him.
He happened to be an old Coast Guard buddy of mine, and a real "by the book" kind of guy when it comes to on duty activities..
His comment was, "I pay him to work, not play on the internet!"
I reconfirmed with him that I just wanted his nonsense stopped, and did not want any "formal action" against him, or noted in his permanent file.
The BS stopped almost immediately

as did a lot of the "On Duty" posting on Brand X.
He hasn't been seen on our site since.
His squeeze, Yellow (WTF ever) was still hanging around for a while, but I think that was more to keep an eye on things and stir crap, than anything else.
She even accused me of trying to get his job (why would I want it?) and "almost costing him his job, home and vette":hissyfit:
Oh....the drama :mobeer: ...If she only knew

It was probably because of me that he didn't get fired, suspended, etc....some of the crap he was posting was probably not sanctioned by the PCSO for release.
Maybe so, but I've long since headed off into other directions to make an income.
Smart man!
Most the attorney's I work with today, wish or are actively looking for another way to make a living.
Perhaps it is time for a new section. "Product reviews" . Consumer opinions of Vette specific products.
We have a section on our regional board called the Board of Inquiry.
It requires you provide your full name before posting and it's strictly monitored.
There is case law out there on internet libel.
As long as the accusations are supportable by fact, you don't have an issue.
If OTOH, they're speculation, or innuendo, hearsay, or intentionally intended to harm or mallign a person or business, the forum owners can be in a world of chit
As I recall, a couple of websites have had to pay $$$ because they either engaged in, promoted, or supported efforts such as you mention.
Hope that helps a little?
...There must be some techie way to cripple their website. It's not like they don't deserve it! :devil:
You know, if we can cause a computer worm that destroys another countries nuclear capability, I'd bet someone could find something that would screw with brand X:goodevil:
Then again....why bother?:drink: