the dreaded gas smell in the garage...replace 77 gas tank

Hahaha don't feel bad when I dealt with this 82's fuel tank and it having 15 year old gas in it. I thought for sure I was doomed to buy a new tank because of the milky rust gas that was siphoned out of it. Then I looked inside and it looked new and I asked a few people and they said what I was looking at was the bladder and said it was best to remove it and it was fairly simple to do.

Bet you can get a good laugh at me yankin on this back ring which I thought was the bladder and couldn't get it to budge as much as a millimeter no matter how hard I tried. The ones that said it was a bladder were answerless why it wouldn't come out.


the plastic looks silver when dry but when wet it is black, not sure why



thks for the pictures, i think i will reinstall the tank as is and not screw with the bladder and take some time to contemplate exactly what i want to do with the EFI. late last night on the couch I read about 1/4 of my chevy TPI fuel injection swappers guide before the sand man grabbed me.
if the bladder is in good shape and not leaking I wouldn't mess with it. clean and paint the exterior, add some new rubber cushions and you should be ok. what kind of lines have you decided on ? as long as you run the carb all you need is hose clamps at the connection to the tank... if you think FI conversion then why not use a fuel cell with the pump mounted under or behind it ??
ok here is where i am with it.....for under $10 i was able to get all new hoses for the tank,and i installed them, i also installed the new fuel pump "S" hose that I had in my supply cabinet. When i had the tank full of gas the only evidence of leaking was from the top so i dont think i have an issue with the tank or the bladder. i painted the frame rails and tank bracketry. since i modified the rear rail some i am anticipating an easy install (or future removal) so i think i am going to install the tank tonight. and then keep contemplating my conversion to EFI. Lars rebuilt my carb not too long ago so i really dont have a need to do anything......where i do need to do something is with my power windows they are getting kind of slow, so that probably makes more sense to be the project i tackle.
sounds like the fuel lines are ok ? I am surprised as these are usually rusted/pitted/cracked ... only the rubber pieces were leaking ??
yes the fuel lines supply and return are fine at both ends, finished the install tonight. just have to hang the exhaust tomorrow and i will be good to go.

any body ever use band clamps to fasten the exhaust pipes to the hangers? i bet that would give a really clean look.
I've used both, the 3/4" wide bands as well as V-band clamps. If the exhaust is mild steel I'd use the band clamps, they don't 'crimp' the exhaust pipe like the round clamps and look cleaner...
The V-bands are even better but they're pricey....
where do you get those clamps locally? Home depot only has the radiator style clamps. And do those clamps open up all the way so i can slip them over the pipe? i can not slide them down because of the muffler at one end and the H pipe at the other
I put the exhaust in tonight and added 8 gal of gas, surprisingly the gas tank gauge is dead on for accuracy, no gas is at the empty mark, with 3 gals i get to the red reserve mark and 8 gals just under 1/2 part no gas leaks with any of my hoses.

I am not happy with the thick soft aluminum gaskets for the headers and exhaust pipe flange, i have the 3 bolt flanges and it seems the more they tighten they distort in the middle of the space between the bolts and i get a little leaking from them.

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