THE Flying Dutchman....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
They had an exclusive interview with the passenger who subdued the perp. He was Dutch, on his way to FL for vacation. Like most Dutch, he spoke excellent English and told his story; including holding the b'tard down with one hand while trying to beat the fire out with the other. A real hero, along with the other passengers. There was no TSA or other flight security on the plane, only passengers.

This on that Detroit bomber plane.....:lol::lol::sos:
Never again will air passengers be the same. After decades of being taught to stay calm we'll rescue you on the ground the perps changed the tactics, Just as quickly we did too! If I'm gonna die it's gonna happen while I'm hurting you Achmed!!
Never again will air passengers be the same. After decades of being taught to stay calm we'll rescue you on the ground the perps changed the tactics, Just as quickly we did too! If I'm gonna die it's gonna happen while I'm hurting you Achmed!!

Like we used to say in HS...50 years ago....Fuckin' A....

The Muslims are the production centers of terrorists. Each family has mimimum of 5 kids to 10 kids maximum. Give me one instance where the Muslims allow the world at peace.

From what I hear so far, it's another fucking Nigerian. First, they try to scam us, now they're trying to blow us up. Shithole.
What puzzles me is that Nigeria was always the civilized capitol of Africa, so to speak. Best educated and classiest of countries. Are they on the decline as well or is this just another aberration to shame all of the betters....
What puzzles me is that Nigeria was always the civilized capitol of Africa, so to speak. Best educated and classiest of countries. Are they on the decline as well or is this just another aberration to shame all of the betters....

I remember 1/2 century ago, that South AFRICA of all places was listed at well into the top TEN industrial countries on earth....comparable living standard to most good regions....

today.....not even in top 40, way to rock and roll.....:crap:

truth hurts some times.....

Well we all know ,and predicted, what happened to South Africa. Totally un-PC to even recognize it but that's me...

Nigeria was always beyond superior I thought...
Due to long security check ins, excessively long delays on the runway before take off, excessive fare increases, aging and marginally maintained aircraft and terrorists I have lost my willingness to fly commercially. I will reserve my flying for the 'Vette, do the piloting myself and enjoy the scenery at ground level. :beer:
Due to long security check ins, excessively long delays on the runway before take off, excessive fare increases, aging and marginally maintained aircraft and terrorists I have lost my willingness to fly commercially. I will reserve my flying for the 'Vette, do the piloting myself and enjoy the scenery at ground level. :beer:

Guess I have to be willing to think like that, as I have really never enjoyed cross country travel, as it's SO boring....after 500 miles of nothing at 65/80 mph it looks the same....all the small towns the same....BUT.....wife wants to do it slow....and so rebuilding this thing for sure, it WILL be secure....and she is NOT gun familiar....she WILL be....already told her about the need and so forth....

God forbid we profile any of these people. Oh excuse me, we did have info on this one. They would have the ACLU backing them on a discrimination suit. And it's so pathetically simple. But with Janet Neapolitano heading our homeland security, the only thing safe are Weight Watchers cookies. Pathetic POS. The only man caused intervention she recognizes is her father and he should have pulled out.

I cannot wait to throw these politically correct dirtballs out. Too bad the mid term elections are 11 months away. How about the safe school czar advising young kids on fisting, rimming and such. Are you kidding me? I have absolutely no confidence and no respect for this scum and this administration. Change. Hope. Shove it.
In Drudge's news web site, there's an article where a US attorney named Haskell was on the fllight, he claims the bomber was trying to board the flight without a passport. He (the bomber) was sent to talk with a airport manager. The next time the attorney saw the bomber was after the incident. So maybe he got on the airplane without a passport. Just amazing if true.

Also, another passenger said she say a man nearby the bomber making videos during the flight and also video cammed the incident when "pop" explosions and the fire was occurring. An accomplice?
It makes no sense they let him on the plane without a passport. If they allowed this to happen, I'd say they may be complicit too. Not only because you normally can't board an international flight without a passport, but you CAN'T ENTER THE COUNTRY YOUR GOING TO WITHOUT ONE!!!! WTF!!!!!

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