THE Flying Dutchman....

There's more to it, he didn't have a passport indeed. He was helped by some other guy in a suit, I think they're still looking for him.
The suited guy supposedly started screaming about harassment, racism and something about the other guy being a refugee from Nigeria? If you start yelling racist here you get everything done, it's as simple as that.

Schiphol security is handled by a company that also employs freinds of Dutch (maroccan) terrorist Samir A. When the planes crashed into the Twin Towers on 911 the Maroccan/Islamic employees who were watching it enfold on TV (in the Lunch Room) cheered and danced of joy. This has been reported by other employees but in the typical Dutch way it was put under the rug..nothing was done about it. The majority of Dutch employees have been replaced with Maroccan/Islamic scum, if you g0o to Schiphol all you see is those camel fuckers working security. It's a very scary thought.
There's more to it, he didn't have a passport indeed. He was helped by some other guy in a suit, I think they're still looking for him.
The suited guy supposedly started screaming about harassment, racism and something about the other guy being a refugee from Nigeria? If you start yelling racist here you get everything done, it's as simple as that.

Schiphol security is handled by a company that also employs freinds of Dutch (maroccan) terrorist Samir A. When the planes crashed into the Twin Towers on 911 the Maroccan/Islamic employees who were watching it enfold on TV (in the Lunch Room) cheered and danced of joy. This has been reported by other employees but in the typical Dutch way it was put under the rug..nothing was done about it. The majority of Dutch employees have been replaced with Maroccan/Islamic scum, if you g0o to Schiphol all you see is those camel fuckers working security. It's a very scary thought.

We are doomed.:censored:
I was discussing this with my wife. This rag head was on a watch list of 500,000 terrorists. Supposed they carded him in Amsterdam and said: hey your on the list, you don't get on board. What next? Would they just let him walk away? Would they wand him? Use a sniffer? Frisk him?

I'll bet he would have walked and another would have tried the same at later flight or gate. They really succeded, just nobody died. We did not solve shit. And I fear it's the law of averages, they are going to succeed. If this 23 yo lonely sad islamic PUSOB student had any skills beyond a mouse, he would have succeeded. Next they will shove explosive up their ass like they did in Saudi. Just a matter of time. At that time, the patriots should push to impeach those who would deny protection to the people.

My solution: Let some Female Jewish FBI agents strip this dirtball naked, ridicule him as the underwear bomber (what notoriety to be forever known as the underwear bomber. Who TF will remember his name?) Feed this dirtball NOTHING but Pork, Ham, Pigs Feet, Bacon and Ham Hocks. Let him have a hole in the floor and only a koran to use. Then behead him and Fedex his head to amajimadad: your next.

I really don't care what france thinks? or libia or egypt or spain. Fk'em all. If their women or children or iman hangs out with them, it's just collateral damage. Castrate everyone of these deviants. Turn them into eunuchs.

I still like Bush: "either you're with us, or against us".
Geoff, you are too mild, you need toughen up a bit.....

follow ME, if you dare.....

I really don't care what france thinks? or libia or egypt or spain. Fk'em all. If their women or children or iman hangs out with them, it's just collateral damage. Castrate everyone of these deviants. Turn them into eunuchs.

I still like Bush: "either you're with us, or against us".

Lockheed Martin will sell 24 F-16 fighter aircraft to Egypt for more than $3.2 billion.:suicide:

Lockheed Martin - We never forget who we're working for
Supposed they carded him in Amsterdam and said: hey your on the list, you don't get on board.

Most likely YES because that's what the soft leftist liberal idiots do here. Same w/ somali pirates, they arrest them, feed them for 2 weeks so they can build strength and then put them back on their little boat. Should have blown them out of the fricken waters. Everything has to be humane here, the biggest criminals here have it better than the elderly. Prisons look like fricken holiday camps, they have tv, radio, playstation, sports & activities, don't have to do work if they don't want to, can smoke have hookers every now & then and have weekends leave to visit family. The elderly on the other hand sit in diapers because there' no money/staff so they can bathe on a daily basis. LEftist idiots messed up our country so it's not a real surprise that it happened here. We have police commissioners that have never even walked the streets, they are leftist idiots with some shade degree in political anthropology or whatever, leftist former squatters and druggies who rose the ranks and are now heading the police department declaring sky high fees for their services while joe beat cop around here makes next to nothing and they wonder why he won't stick his neck out (BTW, most cops here are wimps...glorified social workers)

Schiphol security is run by muslims, most of the employees are maroccan or other muslims (cheering in the lunchroom!!) so they are hoinh to do what to stop an attack? Cheer and applaud. It's widely known here we have maroccan spies in the highest ranks of the secret service here, one was exposed last year or so, then there's some in the government with clear ties. These sleeper agents get direct instructions from the maroccan king to further the spread of islam here, they want to instate sharia laws here. Just like in the UK. It's the same, if not a little worse there. No wonder he "studied" there. Every oempa loempa can study here, probably don't even have to have a passpprt, jsut a sad story, some puppy eyes and scream racist all day.

Even yesterday a woman in a niquaab (veil over eyes) was refused entry in a doctors practice here. Her husband was with here to take their sick child in. The guy was allowed in, the child was treated. Now this bitch starts complaining that she was discriminated against and it's in the media, she's taking it up w the doctor with help from a leftist idiot club for equal rights. WTF so SHE demands equal rights yet does not have to do it herself as in conform to normal standards here like shaking hands when meeting, standing up toa judje and so on. She didn't even feel the need to take off the niquaab if it was to save her child so he could be treated. These fucks will do anything to terrorize us on every damn level. It's time we took the hard ball approach, either conform or fuck off. I don't care for your muslim shit. I don't care if it's a slaughter fest here or some holiday there. I'm sick of all these cameljockeys swamping the news with problems that weren't ours to begin these muslim fags who want help to free them from oppression. What's it to us, if your religion is oppressive to fags, start with the religion but don't come crying to us. I thought they all said islam was a religion of love. All I'm seeing is hate. All they do is complain it's never any good here yet they sit around all day on welfare. IF you don't like it GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Last week we had snow, what do normal kids do when there's snow? Yes, ride a sled, throw snowballs, build a snowman... what do maroccan kids do? They build a road block, have snowballs with bricks in them and rob unsuspecting motorists that way, happened here last week. 23 were caught, of course after a hot cop of coco they were all let go.

They are born terrorists and with this soft reactive approach this shit will never end.
Well put TT.
The only thing I have to add wtf are those in power doing allowing all this to happen?? Can't really blame them for taking advantage - these fucking heathens aren't capable of any other behaviour.
It's up to us to whip them into shape like we would do with any other kind of animal running wild.