the home renovations begins.....

well theres still lots to do but this is where i am so far. i need to put up more shelves, i guess thats tomorrows job....






I have to admit...I never knew an overhead garage door could be installed like that. Do they just wind the tension spring a little tighter? That's cool and space saving
well fella's its been a long and tiring ride doing this renovation but tomorrow the rest of my stuff that has been in storage from the move from over a year ago is getting delivered......and then next week the hot rod will get flat bedded over from my brothers house.....we still have out side landscaping to do, and a drive way and front walk to the house, but at least the construction is over with i actually changed the oil in the vette on friday night in the garage and gave it a long over due polishing, i still have the Q jet Lars built for me to put on from yes 1.5 yrs about delayed soon as the rest of the stiuff from the movers is put away and the hot rod is squared away in the garage, i will order the bracketry i need for the 700r4 set up i have in the vette and do the swap from the 750 speed demon to the Q jet. this is mostly just for fun and to try something different i really dont go heavy enough on the gas pedal to use the speed demon to its fullest potential so i am hoping that the Qjet is a little more behaved at the lower RPms and hopefully doesnt smell so rich
I have to admit...I never knew an overhead garage door could be installed like that. Do they just wind the tension spring a little tighter? That's cool and space saving


I have to talk to the GDoor joint, but that is one LONG muvva more twist than Chubby Checker....gotta be....IF that thing ever let's go, I would hate to be under that door...HAS to be some safety device/brake or that thing going clean through the slab on to China...some farmer over there think i'ts a HELL of a crop..... are the safety stops/arrangements?? i never seen one like any pix with a quick description???

i guess the motor is some sort of a mechanical stop, after all the spring is just to make it easier to open

I would think to ask the G Door company....I have worked on enough 'normal' 16-18' wide overhead doors to know they are HEAVY AS HELL, and when a 'normal' sping breaks, you can't open the door, if it's anything but just a thin metal shell, like mine with brace bars....all you can do to get a 2x4 on a fulcrum under the damn thing to lift it enough to do anything, if needed.....

I hesitate to rely on any mear opener for a safety stop....but I didn't design or do the install, just a word of caution so for the knowing....please do some investigation over it....maybe call the maker, see what they say....get it from horses' mouth.......I would not trust any mear installer on that one....:twitch::amazed:
time to wrap up the post.....we are very close to being done, i still have the parking pad to put in and a stone patio in front of the garage but that will be later after some garage time......








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Sweet, looks like dawgwood and cherry tree in front....

my house up there was on a street that was lined both sides with cherry trees that the whole street lit up like the memorials downtown....

the garage did fill up fast and i need to go through it again and push stuff out that i dont need.....the trees are both dogwoods in the front, i was scared that they might not have made it through all the construction