the newest trick of the greenies.

No misinterpretation and it's already legislated, will become effective Jan 1st 2010.

In cheep assed old Jax Florida, service calls for most fields....a/c, appliances/electrician/plumbing/any repair run a MIN of 60 bux, gets between 30 min-one hour time.....sometimes not even that....

they stupid enough to do THAT here, I see service calls immediately jumping to 100 bux/trip.....matter of fact, lotsa outfits call it a trip charge and only bill 50 bux, they get you on it being a TRIP charge, so if the guy needs a PART, it's a trip to the supply house.....

homeowners going to get hit in the ass good on that shit....

collective .gov insanity....I think we need find another cliff to jump off of, the one the Lemmings use is overloaded.......

I think that regarding taxes, in the US things are still normal.

I just made my calculation after half a year of being self-employed, and maybe only 15% remains of what comes in...Keep in mind that my business doesn't generate a lot of costs except for my car that is, so my guess is that what i'm seeing now after 6 months is correct.
In a sense, Gene is right. As an insured driver with more than one vehicle I am paying for all of them simultaneously while I can only drive one at a time. The obvious answer to this is to insure the driver, not the vehicle but that would take too much $$$ away from the Ins. Co's.
And yes we digress from the road tax subject. The only road taxes we pay here are gas taxes, tolls and tickets.....
One of the FEW advantages to living in South Jersey is the lower fuel cost. We are probably one of the lowest in the country, but then again the condition of our roads sucks too. Gas yesterday was $2.27 a gal. for regular.

That IS lo, surprised, for NJ, everything there has been hysterrically higher than Faryland over the years....used to driver through there and never stop for gas on account of it....

it's cheaper than here in Jax Fl.....last I looked....

thing that is strange, Jax is the largest city in this nation...AREA the annual mileage on a typical vehicle is about twice the national average....some 20k+/year.... very common to find 5 y/0 cars on the lots at 100k+ miles.....
so talk of road taxes.....but still the typical complaints of shitty roads....

at least we not bad off as Northern Virginia, land of perpetual construction....traffic was a cluster fuck there for some 40 years I knew of, somehow methinks it's not better.....:twitch:

still have to figger a way to pay for roads, they not cheep, when some 60k lbs goes flying by every damn day 1000X over yet....

I remember a old college friend, Transportation major....wanted to form his own trucking company....or run one.....

with the onset of the interstate hwy system under construction back then, I wonder how he managed long term...probably pretty good, in the late 60's I ran into him as he owned one of the quick Camaro's on the track....

everything we buy is subject to a road way or another....


Yes, roads are not cheap. One of the reasons, at least in PA, is what they call prevailing wage.

If the state receives any federal money for road projects, new construction or repair, what ever company receives the contract MUST pay prevailing rate to their employees. Prevailing rate is what the union rate is. Even though a non union company with cheaper labor rates receives the bid, they must pay the union wage. This prevailing (union)rate is mandated for all public projects, not just roads.

Any other states like PA?
Yes, roads are not cheap. One of the reasons, at least in PA, is what they call prevailing wage.

If the state receives any federal money for road projects, new construction or repair, what ever company receives the contract MUST pay prevailing rate to their employees. Prevailing rate is what the union rate is. Even though a non union company with cheaper labor rates receives the bid, they must pay the union wage. This prevailing (union)rate is mandated for all public projects, not just roads.

Any other states like PA?

Yes, that sounds familiar, I think Md, is the same way....trying to keep discount dumb asses outta the field I guess.....

being in home remodeling for some 25+ years now, mainly part time, I always been really picky over just who is on my job site and when, customer tosses me keys to his house and vacations for a month, you know I have to be rather circumspect about shit....:hissyfit::suicide: