The truith about fuel prices

VERY true, but nothing I haven't seen coming for 45 years now....first with the clean air bullshit, then the unleaded gas adding 10% onto our crude consumptiion/gallon of gas, then the decrease in MPG and performance, and the ONLY saving grace is DPFI computer controlled, but then we should be operating at 16/17 to one under light loading freeway......

so way I see it we burning 20% more crude/mile since 35 some odd years now...

so we then get all these green weenies in there like that San Francisco treat Pillosi with that wild eyed stare into space....looks like my nephew when he was on drugs years ago....and still know the stare if you knew a druggie....:flash:

so the green weenies put off all the forms of energy and so here we are today, and quite honestly I hope gasoline goes to 8 and ten bux/gallon to finally BREAK the backs of this enviro weenie movement, and wake the hell up for the American people ......

but NO, the weenies like Pillosi will make sure that don't happen and if NOBAM gets in, we aint seen nuttin' yet.....

figger a nuclear strike on our land....seriously large percentage of that our oil money....

Don't believe the most obvious, because that is not were the truth is. Certainly don't believe what the media tells you, because that's a certain route to destruction and poverty