This from CF...


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
Going to the New Jersey Motorsports Park September 17th, want to put a tow hook on the front of the car, the front spoiler is too low for a hook under there, I was thinking making something mounted to the "u piece" that goes from below the lower radiator mount to the the nose of the car (where the front bumper mounts, behind where th elicense plate woudl be) Would that be strong enough to mount a tow hook? simple enough to fab.........other ideas? .


anyone for:stirpot::stirpot:??? looking for a front tow hook....

I wonder if hes going to run those tires

I also wonder if hes just adding it for the "look"
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if you had READ what I had asked, I have the hook, looking at a way to mount it..maybe through the grill opening....VERY simple question.
Funnily enough a Crovette Forum member PM'd me with a simple solution,
becasue they seem to be like that over there...helpful that is.

SO, someone told you how to hook your hooker....good....

other than playground crap, I dunno I had to be told....oh well, some people are slo....what can I say...???

Can this cross site BS stop? If you don't like it here, just leave. If you see something @ CF you don't like, leave it there also.